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Unpopular Keyboard Opinions

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There should be more 80%s with a numpad instead of the nav cluster and arrow keys. You would get access to all the keys on a full size with the press of NumLock.

--- Quote from: TimeRelapse on Tue, 20 February 2024, 23:11:12 ---Kohaku is a mid board, pretty weight but that's about it to me... I also don't enjoy 65% layouts so I guess that's probably part of the cause as well

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Have to agree, never got all the hype around it. The Jaguar is a far more striking board from the same designer yet seems to garner less attention. All due respect, the Kohaku is borderline uninspired to me. From an aesthetics POV, even the simplest seamed two-piece wedge design seems more appealing. The back is cool and all, but that's about it.


--- Quote from: G on Fri, 29 March 2024, 00:20:10 ---There should be more 80%s with a numpad instead of the nav cluster and arrow keys. You would get access to all the keys on a full size with the press of NumLock.

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I'll agree to this only if it's a southpath numpad or split board. I'm not lugging my hand all the way across my desk just to click my mouse


--- Quote from: TimeRelapse on Tue, 20 February 2024, 23:11:12 ---... I also don't enjoy 65% layouts so I guess that's probably part of the cause as well

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My true 60% Alice has really done wonders for me with left space bar also held down to get to layer 2, my numpad layer.  Y,U,I=7,8,9, - H,J,K=4,5,6, - B,N,M=1,2,3 - right space = 0 - Right Alt = "." etc...

The Alice split creates enough separation where I don't need to be a particular muscle memory wizard to figure it all out.

I also have an HHKB, so using "?" as down arrow, "[" us up arrow, with Fn key, etc... is already second nature for me.


--- Quote from: G on Fri, 29 March 2024, 00:20:10 ---There should be more 80%s with a numpad instead of the nav cluster and arrow keys. You would get access to all the keys on a full size with the press of NumLock.

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I think 96% sort of sucks the air out the room with regard to this.  for 0.5u or 0.75u wider footprint, you get numpad, arrows, and some of the nav cluster. 1800 is only a touch wider than that.  There are a couple of Keychrons and gamer boards that squeeze a reduced numpad in as tight as a TKL (or maybe a touch tighter), but it's a case of diminishing returns, I think.

Some of the artisans is really overrated, especially the OG ones.


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