geekhack Marketplace > Group Buys and Preorders
[GB] F104+SSK+122+62+77+50+Ergo orders now open! Kishsaver+Industrial Model F
and now we wait!!!
I havenīt been in the keyboard game for a while, but this blows my mind. Great work Ellipse!
Thanks all!
Just a note for those just finding out now about the project, the main project thread was in the Interest Checks section, before this project became a group buy - over 40,000 page views on that thread and hundreds of posts! There is a lot of excitement with this project because it is the very first project to put back into production the Model F capacitive buckling spring keyboard, a strong alternative to the Cherry MX mechanical keyswitch which for a while was the only possible major mechanical switch you could build a custom keyboard with.
Now I have finally opened up orders on after collaborating for about a year with the DT, GH, reddit community and other keyboard enthusiasts to perfect the Brand New Model F keyboard project. It has been two days since the group buy started and already we have over 50 of the 235 interested DT/GH/reddit users place their order, many of them interested in reserving a specific serial number for their boards, along with many who did not sign the interest form or are not even DT/GH/reddit members and remember how good their old IBM keyboard was.
While I don't remember except looking back at the old home movies, our first family computer was the IBM PC XT (not sure which model) and its IBM Model F keyboard! It's amazing that while just about everything else in the computing world has improved exponentially, thousands of serious computer users around the world, including book authors, journalists, and programmers, still hold on to and use daily their 20+ year old IBM buckling spring keyboards that are still as robust as ever.
Unfortunately this is a limited time project at this point, not something that you can buy from web stores after the group buy ends, but I am in talks with others who are thinking about ordering a few dozen extra units to sell at a higher price once the group buy ends.
So if you want to consider ordering a brand new Model F keyboard made this year, I suggest doing so soon before the group buy ends! The prototypes are fully functional and I will be holding keyboard meetups in Manhattan for anyone interested in checking them out!
Is there an example of the black color case?
Will wait for the regular round cause I don't have any money left now :p
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