geekhack Community > New Members

Welcome new members!

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Hello Guys, nice seeing you here
I've been in this hobby a few years,
I got 2 modified pre-builts, and 1 keyboard that I built myself :D


--- Quote from: Viz on Wed, 15 August 2012, 20:08:25 ---Is there a cure for the "spend all money on keyboards" syndrome?

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Mrs Argent thinks I've already spent too much on keyboards. And I haven't even bought an expensive one yet.

Hi everyone, have been into custom keyboard for some time now. Currently using 2 Mode Eighties as daily drivers - a 2020 Lotus at home and a 2022 E-White in the office.
Have tried both tactile and linear switches but I am definitely in the tactile camp. Worked through Holy Pandas, Boba U4Ts, Durock T1s and even made my own Holy Trash Pandas frankenswitching YOK trash panda housings with Drop Halo True stems. Using Gateron Baby Kangaroos now in both keyboards - these bad boys sound and feel so good.


--- Quote from: bfigure8 on Sun, 14 January 2024, 07:13:48 ---Hi everyone, have been into custom keyboard for some time now. Currently using 2 Mode Eighties as daily drivers - a 2020 Lotus at home and a 2022 E-White in the office.
Have tried both tactile and linear switches but I am definitely in the tactile camp. Worked through Holy Pandas, Boba U4Ts, Durock T1s and even made my own Holy Trash Pandas frankenswitching YOK trash panda housings with Drop Halo True stems. Using Gateron Baby Kangaroos now in both keyboards - these bad boys sound and feel so good.

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Welcome to Geekhack :)

Hello everyone, brand new to the hobby and have been scouring the web for info before buying my first board


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