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--- Quote from: spambox2312 on Tue, 06 February 2024, 22:29:22 ---Hello everyone, brand new to the hobby and have been scouring the web for info before buying my first board

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Welcome to geekhack :)

One thing I would recommend is purchasing a board that has several different mounting options, that way you can experiment with what you like. Try to find one with top mount and a form of gasket mount as they are the two most common mounting types. Especially when it comes to budget boards you might make a choice you regret if it has one mounting style that you hate, and will probably lose money if you want to get rid of it (when I started the hobby, I bought a gasket mount board before I realised I didn't like gasket mount, don't be like me) This is especially useful if you are looking to upgrade to a higher end custom later on.

Another thing is that if you live close to a major city, then try to see if there is a meetup near you. This allows you to try a bunch of options to see if you like them, best low cost way to know what you like.

Hey guys! Looking forward to having some keyboard homies


--- Quote from: 87supra on Mon, 12 February 2024, 19:28:47 ---Hey guys! Looking forward to having some keyboard homies

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Welcome to geekhack :)

What keyboards are in your collection?


--- Quote from: Rhienfo on Wed, 14 February 2024, 03:02:28 ---
--- Quote from: 87supra on Mon, 12 February 2024, 19:28:47 ---Hey guys! Looking forward to having some keyboard homies

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Welcome to geekhack :)

What keyboards are in your collection?

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Well currently I have (2) Velocifire TLK61 & (1) HK61 built for using at work with a Epomaker keypad. I like Akko Jelly blacks for work in the 61s. Flamingos in the keypad. If any of these explode into a million pieces for some strange reason, I won't feel too badly for them.
At home I am using a Epomaker Shadow X with box jades. I painted the top plate an old school flat gold for a retro-cyber look with the screen. Stock caps. Its really new so I haven't really decided how I want to set it up yet.
I just sold my Wormier/XVX TKL to a co-worker and also just sold my GMMK2 to my friend to use at his job.
So some pretty basic stuff....
I'm looking for something a little more on the rich side at the moment. Solid aluminum chassis NCR80 style. I see the Aliexpress NCR80s.... have been tempted, but I think I want it to be on the heavy side.
 MMkeyboard has one I have seen, but only the red currently in hot-swappable. I prefer the hot-swappable to avoid de-soldering to change switches.
Also a full 108 key with a solid aluminum chassis would be sweet.
If you have any suggestions that would be awesome


--- Quote from: 87supra on Thu, 15 February 2024, 17:46:11 ---I'm looking for something a little more on the rich side at the moment. Solid aluminum chassis NCR80 style. I see the Aliexpress NCR80s.... have been tempted, but I think I want it to be on the heavy side.
 MMkeyboard has one I have seen, but only the red currently in hot-swappable. I prefer the hot-swappable to avoid de-soldering to change switches.

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In terms of something that description, I really only know about the jer80, basicially a replica of the ncr boards but with top mount I believe, they do seem nice but you would have to get them on the aftermarket. I'm also not sure about your budget so it might be too expensive.

I think there was a hotswap pcb but for high end customs I would personally reccomend solder. I would still reccomend getting a hotswap board to try out everything and see what your preferences are, then the best option you put in the board. I do prefer solder because it sounds nicer, there is more of a connection to the pcb and it's easier to desolder a switch than fix a hotswap socket.

--- Quote from: 87supra on Thu, 15 February 2024, 17:46:11 ---Also a full 108 key with a solid aluminum chassis would be sweet.
If you have any suggestions that would be awesome

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There are a couple options here for customs at least. They all are pretty expensive cause full sizes in general are expensive

The fossil recently ran, which fits the description and did look pretty nice, however you will have to get it in the aftermarket -

The kangaroo also is a 108 key, however it's southpaw fullsize which may not be what you want, it's pretty well priced considering what it is, it's in stock and there is free international shipping from what I'm aware -

This one isn't technically 108 but the bina 103 did seem pretty nice and is a full size, it is in IC atm -

These might not be what you are looking for but I hope this helps.


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