geekhack Community > New Members

Welcome new members!

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--- Quote from: Viz on Wed, 15 August 2012, 20:08:25 ---
--- Quote from: mkawa_ on Sun, 29 July 2012, 09:51:16 ---First off, welcome to the world of keyboards. There are two things you will discover quite shortly about keyboards and keyboarding related accessories: first, they are a moneypit. Your money? all gone. Second, they are awesome; you will be poor but happy.

OK, LOGISTICS: you are currently a JUNIOR CLICKER. That means you can view nearly all of the forums, and post replies, including attachments and videos, in every forum. There are a couple forums you can't see, but no worries, they're a bit like spamalot; they are silly places where only silly things are done. At some point (currently 50 100 60 posts, but subject to change without notice), you will join the ranks of the CLICK AND CLACKER, soldiers of fortune who are allowed to submit NEW topics to the classifieds and group buy forums.

HOWEVER: do not think that you should simply spam your way up the clacker ladder. Your keyboard, as you will soon learn, is a refined tool only meant for the purest of thoughts. If ye spam, we will delete. Instead, have fun, ask questions, comment on demik's flatulence, etc. in short, LURK LESS! we welcome your input.

SO THEN: Welcome to geekhack! Have fun clacking! (and sorry about your wallet :D)

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Is there a cure for the "spend all money on keyboards" syndrome?
My doctor couldn't diagnose the problem.

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you only have to spend all money until you have cool stuff you can start trading for :)


--- Quote from: sth on Wed, 15 August 2012, 20:10:12 ---
--- Quote from: Viz on Wed, 15 August 2012, 20:08:25 ---
--- Quote from: mkawa_ on Sun, 29 July 2012, 09:51:16 ---First off, welcome to the world of keyboards. There are two things you will discover quite shortly about keyboards and keyboarding related accessories: first, they are a moneypit. Your money? all gone. Second, they are awesome; you will be poor but happy.

OK, LOGISTICS: you are currently a JUNIOR CLICKER. That means you can view nearly all of the forums, and post replies, including attachments and videos, in every forum. There are a couple forums you can't see, but no worries, they're a bit like spamalot; they are silly places where only silly things are done. At some point (currently 50 100 60 posts, but subject to change without notice), you will join the ranks of the CLICK AND CLACKER, soldiers of fortune who are allowed to submit NEW topics to the classifieds and group buy forums.

HOWEVER: do not think that you should simply spam your way up the clacker ladder. Your keyboard, as you will soon learn, is a refined tool only meant for the purest of thoughts. If ye spam, we will delete. Instead, have fun, ask questions, comment on demik's flatulence, etc. in short, LURK LESS! we welcome your input.

SO THEN: Welcome to geekhack! Have fun clacking! (and sorry about your wallet :D)

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Is there a cure for the "spend all money on keyboards" syndrome?
My doctor couldn't diagnose the problem.

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you only have to spend all money until you have cool stuff you can start trading for :)

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Gaah, i'm not even close. *adds keyboard collection to signature*

Hi guys I am new to Geek Hack. I had an account before but i had trouble navigating it...I am not the sharpest tool in the shed. Some of you have bought keyboards from me thru EBay. Valerie8547 if that helps. Any advice you can give me on how to use the site better would be appreciated. I thought i was alone in my love for keyboards until i found this site. Keep up the great work. Thanks!  :D

Awesome! I've been lurking here a while, and now need to expand my horizons in terms of getting a second board and a better keycap collection. I can't wait to see what's to offer here!

*Don't worry, I've been saving up my money for this place. ;)

guess its time to start talking and contributing a bit :D


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