geekhack Marketplace > Originative Archive

Is Originative still in business?

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If sherry don't log in GH, maybe he can't view this thread :(. But that is all which we can do  :'(


--- Quote from: quochung1989 on Sun, 16 March 2014, 04:34:19 ---If sherry don't log in GH, maybe he can't view this thread :(. But that is all which we can do  :'(

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You don't have to log in to view a thread.

And sherry has not responded to multiple emails from people who have various orders for different products.

Taobao link(s) please?

 - Ron | samwisekoi


--- Quote from: samwisekoi on Sun, 16 March 2014, 11:06:26 ---Taobao link(s) please?

 - Ron | samwisekoi

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Here it is


--- Quote from: phoenix1234 on Sun, 16 March 2014, 11:19:17 ---
--- Quote from: samwisekoi on Sun, 16 March 2014, 11:06:26 ---Taobao link(s) please?

 - Ron | samwisekoi

--- End quote ---

Here it is

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Thanks!  The WoR set looks nice.  Do we still have a Taobao person around here?  Qtan?

 - Ron | samwisekoi


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