geekhack Marketplace >
Name It: We'll Do Our Best to Get It - v3.0 (Please Check Item Tracker in OP)
--- Quote from: CommonCurt on Tue, 21 May 2019, 09:29:27 ---You guys are selling gold plated cherry stabilizer wires now :thumb:
But it says they only come with 6.25u spacebar wires :(
What about the 7u spacebar wires?
Edit: I now see I asked about this a while ago. Still would like to know about this tho.
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Sorely neglected item in our catalog. We will look into this in the coming weeks.
--- Quote from: 00zeRO on Sun, 26 May 2019, 12:22:42 ---
--- Quote from: CommonCurt on Tue, 21 May 2019, 09:29:27 ---You guys are selling gold plated cherry stabilizer wires now :thumb:
But it says they only come with 6.25u spacebar wires :(
What about the 7u spacebar wires?
Edit: I now see I asked about this a while ago. Still would like to know about this tho.
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Sorely neglected item in our catalog. We will look into this in the coming weeks.
--- End quote ---
Thanks :thumb:
How about:
Leopold FC660M Two Tone White PD 65% Double Shot PBT Mechanical Keyboard (Cherry Clear)?
I may have to substitute if no one in the world has one and can't even find a Leopold web site. Are they still in business?
--- Quote from: noway on Sun, 07 June 2020, 12:44:45 ---How about:
Leopold FC660M Two Tone White PD 65% Double Shot PBT Mechanical Keyboard (Cherry Clear)?
I may have to substitute if no one in the world has one and can't even find a Leopold web site. Are they still in business?
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They are most definitely still in business. We restock and sell out of Leopolds monthly.
Do you have any plans for restocking Leopold fc750r two tone white pd with cherry browns?
Btw I really appreciate your new stock availability pages - I've been checking them daily on some Leopold keyboards!
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