geekhack Marketplace > Originative

JTK Toxic

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E.E.L. Ambiense:
Looking forward to my set showing up as well.  Dropping it on a black n' green themed deck I'm building.


--- Quote from: Rob27shred on Sun, 28 January 2018, 08:21:02 ---Now that's how a key set should be boxed & packed! This will be my 1st JTK set & I'm already happy with what I'm seeing!

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I'm of a mixed mind in that regard.  The packaging is definitely top of the line, and was a welcome addition comparing it with JTK sophomore.  But having two boxes is definitely a downside.  The packaging material is better than any I've seen before, though...


finally got to use this bbv2 that I've been sitting on...

oh man that bbv2 is awesome i want one!  here's the set under a blacklight:


--- Quote from: totallycaked on Mon, 29 January 2018, 13:47:34 ---Show Image

finally got to use this bbv2 that I've been sitting on...

--- End quote ---

That bbv2 does go well with Toxic, looks good! :thumb:
I got my set today, pretty happy with it.


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