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Information Technology Troubles (Rant)

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As i've commented on here before, my country is in a recession. There's a lack of jobs, people are being laid off and without my inheritance there's no way i'm going to be able to afford a home. There's been something that's been deeply on my mind and it's co op. I require it as part of my program, and i've been paying attention in class a lot harder so that way i can make the skills i need to succeed. However, i've been receiving a ton of job rejection emails and it's making me super unhappy to see. it's always "while your skills are impressive" we have decided to go with another candidate. I know how to program in four languages, but yet i never even get past the first interview - they flat out reject me without even sending an interview. And i think about what a co op councellor said and how most people applying haven't even had a job, just completed this college program or is in the process of completing - that's it and it feels so pathetic that they would choose that person over me. What do they see in them that they don't see in me? I've applied to over 100 positions, sometimes not even related in my field. And the only ones that i do get an interview are for "software engineers" and that's not what i signed up for for this program, but again i'm just willing to accept any position. Plus, there's too many software engineers because everybody and their mom learned how to code, so when everybody's super no one will be. So now, everyone from software engineering is applying to my IT positions that i really want because apparently, if you're a software engineer nowadays you're the entire it department.

I feel so frustrated. any advice/encouragement?

Maybe you can use an AI platform to automate applications.

If you think about how many monsters/bosses you have to run before getting rare-drops,  that's something like real life, except real-life it might often be a lengthier wait.

It's part of the reason why people escape into games in the first place. Real life is slow.

In IT, but not a developer, but companies in US will reject qualified to overqualified candidates because of cost. If the job is say, QA level 1, the fact you can code in 4 languages means you will likely expect a higher salary and/or jump positions once a better role comes along. In America a lot of devs get their first role by presenting a.....portfolio of sorts. A github or custom application to showcase those skills. Businesses are all in the business of balancing labor costs with work completed. it's hard to justify a higher salary for a better equipped employee if the business can't leverage your skills. Either way, good luck in your hunt.


--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Wed, 08 November 2023, 15:37:52 ---Maybe you can use an AI platform to automate applications.

If you think about how many monsters/bosses you have to run before getting rare-drops,  that's something like real life, except real-life it might often be a lengthier wait.

It's part of the reason why people escape into games in the first place. Real life is slow.

--- End quote ---

Do you have any books on this that i can read because it seems it is a pretty high demand skill


--- Quote from: Sintpinty on Wed, 08 November 2023, 13:37:55 ---As i've commented on here before, my country is in a recession. There's a lack of jobs, people are being laid off and without my inheritance there's no way i'm going to be able to afford a home. There's been something that's been deeply on my mind and it's co op. I require it as part of my program, and i've been paying attention in class a lot harder so that way i can make the skills i need to succeed. However, i've been receiving a ton of job rejection emails and it's making me super unhappy to see. it's always "while your skills are impressive" we have decided to go with another candidate. I know how to program in four languages, but yet i never even get past the first interview - they flat out reject me without even sending an interview. And i think about what a co op councellor said and how most people applying haven't even had a job, just completed this college program or is in the process of completing - that's it and it feels so pathetic that they would choose that person over me. What do they see in them that they don't see in me? I've applied to over 100 positions, sometimes not even related in my field. And the only ones that i do get an interview are for "software engineers" and that's not what i signed up for for this program, but again i'm just willing to accept any position. Plus, there's too many software engineers because everybody and their mom learned how to code, so when everybody's super no one will be. So now, everyone from software engineering is applying to my IT positions that i really want because apparently, if you're a software engineer nowadays you're the entire it department.

I feel so frustrated. any advice/encouragement?

--- End quote ---

this is good to see as a hs senior who is going into computer science because im not good at anything and just want to be able to live comfortably  :(


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