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interest check - Model M badge

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i'm planning to do this for myself anyway, but thought i'ld ask if anyone wants to share the cost.

this will be the same shape as the "pill" shaped logo on a 1391401 and others, but the badge will be on polished gold metal with black-striped IBM text (rotated 35 degrees counter-clockwise).

minimum order for me will be 10 @ $2.63 each, so if i can get at least 10 requests, they will go to you at $2.63 plus a stamp.

Wouldn't gold on black look better than the other way around? Anyway, count me in for one.


i'm doing my case black with gold trim and blood red keys. i thought that a black badge would get lost on the case. i have posted all of the order info (and graphic i will be sending) in another GH post.

i thought i had a collection with 3 model m 1391401. OK - if it's cool with you, i'll place an order for 10 tonight. that way i can see what the end product is before we are in for too much $ (if they turn out crap). if they turn out terrific, we can order more. and i might order some 2" x 4" black on polished gold lables for the "born-on" label on the back.

OK, 10 are ordered. Half-Saint and acfrazier and the next six volunteers are in for $3 - we'll call this the test run.

Mr. Perfect:
What you should do next is replacement stickers for the lock LED section. I'm sure you can get something nicer then Unicomp's going on.


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