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[IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple - In-stock and Pre-orders now live!
Thanks for the feedback Zanhan.
Regarding kitting constraints, it's pretty strict, with most PBTFans set having pretty much the same 40s kit. So not sure there's more room to move there.
I had to push to get Katakana alpha kit and the RGBY accent modifier kit to be considered (please indicate in the IC feedback form if you're interested in them), as the vendor/manu these days are pretty conservative with extra SKUs, due to MOQ considerations. Thus having even more modular kitting structure is unlikely unless there's an overwhelming consensus opinion and popularity in this project to support it.
Although I understand that it's not cost optimal for 40s users, I do like the simplicity of having the novelties and spacebars in one base kit.
I did follow PBTFans Pyga's lead in terms of baking in the spacebars into the base.
Apologies for not labelling them, but the Spacebars are: 2.00c, 2.25c, 2.75c, 6.00c, 3.00c x 2
I had originally had the novelties separate from the base kit, but the vendor prefers them incorporated.
It's something I'm happy to support, as I hate how some keycap sets in the aftermarket sometimes don't have novelty kit available, meaning half the fun of the set, is no longer readily achievable. I can't say for sure, since I don't have the calculations, but by potentially baking it into the base kit, it might actually be cheaper than people individually buying base kit and novelty kit separately?
The RGBY accent arrows in the accent kit are also there despite being a duplicate with arrows in base kit, because:
A) The original iteration of the base kit had opaque RGBY arrow keys, not translucent, so it's something I forgot to remove at first.
B) However I also wanted the Accent Kit to be also something people could purchase in itself to use with their other keycaps, even if they're not interested in the Atomic Purple base kit. As such I intend to leave them in.
In terms of Cherry profile being boring, if this is GB is successful, and the market pulls out of the keebcesssion recently, I have an idea of an alternative profile I know I can explore this in the future, but that's rather far away goal, and PBTFans translucent cherry profile keycaps is a known quantity/quality at the moment
--- Quote from: Zanhana on Mon, 10 April 2023, 09:45:18 ---It's too bad Cherry profile is so painfully mediocre and boring (and to my knowledge PBTFans doesn't offer another profile) because this colorway really deserves better.
--- End quote ---
I'm curious, what profile would you prefer it be in?
the IC form link goes to the Theseus75 IC fyi
--- Quote from: Zanhana on Mon, 10 April 2023, 09:45:18 ---It's too bad Cherry profile is so painfully mediocre and boring
--- End quote ---
least delusional 40s user
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