geekhack Marketplace > Interest Checks
[IC] GMK CYL Black & Gold | ft. Art Deco and Casino Royale novelties
Lovely set!
Could the “Scroll↲Lock” and “Num↲Lock” legends be changed to single-line “Scroll”, “Num”?
--- Quote from: Bobatype on Fri, 06 September 2024, 04:34:57 ---
--- Quote from: AMZ on Fri, 06 September 2024, 02:21:44 ---IC Form link not working.
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Thanks for the heads up. Form link has been fixed (hopefully).
--- Quote from: Randomlosername on Fri, 06 September 2024, 03:28:47 ---This set is FIRE 🔥 goddamn ima be broke buying up all the extra kits lol. Love the inclusion of media keys and two sets of novelties is fantastic imo. Any chance of sub-legend alpha keys? IC form isn’t working otherwise I’d put that there haha.
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Thanks for the lovely words.
In terms of sub-legend alpha keys, I have already kinda covered Japanese sublegends in the IC for GMK Kin to Kuro. The intention is that the Shogun novelties from Kin to Kuro could still be used with either set readily. One idea that your comment has prompted me to seriously consider is a Katakana sublegends alpha kit.
I have considered other sub-legends during the development, but wasn't super confident of it meeting MOQ.
Like others, I'm a bit tentative to post these concepts/novelties on this forum too early due to the frequent cloning of keycap sets and deskmats that has happened to fellow designers and myself. But I've just updated the feedback form with a question about these other ideas.
I can say that I was thinking of doing Cangjie sublegends with a Dragon novelty kit (similar novelties to DCD lunar new year's dragons), which you can preview in the old render concept picture attached (albeit with icon legends).
Show Image
The novelty kit is called 'Long Wang' (Dragon King in Chinese). I was also considering another novelty kit with the Monkey King as well (I swear I'm not a bandwagon hopping on the recent game's popularity - I do have concept renders and novelties from 2.5 year ago).
If there's interest in this, I'm happy to also offer it too, but I do want to be try and be realistic about how viable it is to offer 4 novelty kit options (6 if you include Kin to Kuro).
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Yo Monkey King novs would be rad af. I absoulutely love what you are doing here. I am in for both sets 100%.
So... which one came first, this or GMK Gold on Black?
This is amazing. Will be following, also IC Form link is still not working as of 8:10pm EST.
--- Quote from: konstantin on Fri, 06 September 2024, 06:30:28 ---Lovely set!
Could the “Scroll↲Lock” and “Num↲Lock” legends be changed to single-line “Scroll”, “Num”?
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Thanks! Great catch, will change those legends on the base kit, and for the windowed keys in the add-on kit.
--- Quote from: Ceyx on Fri, 06 September 2024, 18:17:02 ---So... which one came first, this or GMK Gold on Black?
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- "GMK Gold on Black" does not exist as far as I'm aware (from searching Google/Geekhack/matrixzj github)
- Perhaps Gold on Black is what I could title this set as, to follow prior GMK set's naming conventions (such as Grey on Black, White on Black etc.), but I find that 'Black & Gold' runs off the tongue a little better. 'GoB' is also already associated with Grey.
- GMK Lux is a keycap set design that proposed black and pseudo-gold, but that gold was just a matte mustard yellow (metallic materials for GMK did not exist at the time). I think this new material emulates that concept better.
- Black and gold is a well-known combination anyone could come up with, so I'm not going to pretend to be super original here. I just wanted a set that not only complemented all the keyboards with brass/golden accents/knobs/weights, but also offer a variety of kitting options/novelties that really gives you multiple different looks.
--- Quote from: Mattchoo on Fri, 06 September 2024, 19:11:00 ---This is amazing. Will be following, also IC Form link is still not working as of 8:10pm EST.
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Thanks <3. Cheers for update. Hopefully the form is now working. I think it's because I was using the shorten URL link generator.
Feedback responses has been helpful thus far :thumb:
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