geekhack Marketplace > Classifieds

Price Check- What's it Worth?

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Are Topres still of interest to anyone?

103UB - SE02B0 (variable)
103UB - SE02C0 (all 55g)
87UB (US version, all 55g)

I received my MoErgo Glove80 a month ago and I am using it daily. I have realized, however, that I bought:

Glove80 Ergonomic Keyboard Revision 2 with Travel Case - Grey / Kailh Choc v1 Brown Tactile

meaning with Brown Tactile switches, and I now feel that I need lighter switches, like Cherry Blossom.

Do you think someone would this keyboard? Then I could buy a new one.  :)

How about an MX KeyForge Volcanic Orochi? Brand new.


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