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What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)

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Presented via Power Point - the new ’10 Commandments’ (as he called them) which went into effect immediately:

(1) No more Black History Month
(2) No more Women’s History Month
(3) No more Hispanic History Month
(4) No more LGBTQ recognition
(5) No more talk about “Transexuals” anywhere in the military workplace as "they do not exist anymore than leprechauns exist"
(6) Female personnel will participate in “female pursuits only” for sports teams on his military installation
(7) “Female pursuits” for female sports include only badminton, bowling, tennis and golf
(8) Female military personnel will no longer be allowed to participate on installation teams for rugby, basketball, flag football and mixed martial arts. They may run track but not participate in any field events
(9) No more “holiday parties” as all events will be designated only as “Christmas parties” during the end of the year season
(10) Bible studies in the workplace "are highly encouraged though no one will be forced to attend”

Billionaires exist, and I can't get approved for a $100 loan to buy a shipping label printer. $100 is too much of a risk apparently, for something I'd literally be using to generate more money selling things on eBay.
I used to get labels printed out at the library, but they changed their policy and refuse to plug in USBs you give them. I now have zero ways to print out labels for the things I am selling.
It really feels like the world does everything within it's power to hold me back, even the simplest tiniest easiest things are denied to me. $100??? Really? My credit is not even that bad, I just do not understand.

Anyone out there have a printer they want to unload? I am out of ideas.


--- Quote from: noisyturtle on Sat, 25 January 2025, 19:18:44 ---
Anyone out there have a printer

--- End quote ---

I print labels on plain paper and tape them to the boxes. Works fine, assuming that you have a conventional printer and wide clear tape.

Within the past year I bought a perfectly good Epson printer at a thrift store for under $10, and it did not even need new cartridges.

You know, Tp4 used to write letters, with pen and paper, and then lick the carcinogenic glue on the envelope AND the stamp. Cough.. then mailed it.

One would figure Noisyturtle could figure out a way to mail something without a label printer. We must keep faith.


--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Sat, 25 January 2025, 20:45:47 ---You know, Tp4 used to write letters, with pen and paper, and then lick the carcinogenic glue on the envelope AND the stamp. Cough.. then mailed it.

One would figure Noisyturtle could figure out a way to mail something without a label printer. We must keep faith.

--- End quote ---

My only option is to pay $4 a pop to have them print the label at the shipping store. It is so lame.
Add that to my free shipping + eBay fees + cost to travel to the UPS Store, I'm losing like 20-30% per sale. So incredibly lame.


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