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Post your clacks!
--- Quote from: naasfu on Sun, 21 May 2023, 18:09:37 ---ur mam is old
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--- Quote from: nickheller on Sun, 21 May 2023, 18:04:22 ---new (to me) board, old clacks
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Some nice clacks there
--- Quote from: nickheller on Sun, 21 May 2023, 18:04:22 ---new (to me) board, old clacks
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nice skulls
somehow went from looking for slush for like 8 years to buying 2 in 2023. dont let your dreams be memes
Also sorry the pixel 4a camera ****s itself when there is too much blue, I will do proper photoshoot later
--- Quote from: Sifo on Thu, 08 June 2023, 12:07:49 ---Show Image
somehow went from looking for slush for like 8 years to buying 2 in 2023. dont let your dreams be memes
Also sorry the pixel 4a camera ****s itself when there is too much blue, I will do proper photoshoot later
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Your onlyfans must be poppin' off to buy clacks this year!
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