geekhack Community > New Members

Hello, Geekhack!


Hi, everyone!

Although I am a new user, I am not completely new to the keyboard world, I did my research so to say.

I do not have a favourite exact preference yet, but I do change my board from time to time. Any option is possible, even a "wet newspaper" one. : D

No, I do not practice masochism, but I think we "must know the negative to recognise the positive". : ) Plus, even mushy vintage membrane keyboards somehow remind me of my childhood and the times I spent typing on my mom's soviet typing machine by candle light (they would often cut the power supply back then).

Right now I am typing this on a rather "evil" vintage Samsung SEM-DC8UL (the layout is proper though). In fact, I type it on a clone of the original one, that it had spawned out of nowhere recently. Seriously, I have no other explanation why there are 2 of those things here now...

I like this forum, there is a lot of interesting people, information, projects and discussions.

So greetings to everyone and thanks for keeping this nice place alive!


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