geekhack Community > New Members

Greetings from Piifox


Hello Geekhack Community! ;D

It's thrilled to be here as a newbie in this awesome community. We are Piifoxer, and we're all about customizing keyboards and keycaps. While we are new to the international scene, we are eager to join the ranks of keyboard enthusiasts and work together with you to create cool, customer-focused keyboard and keycap goodies.

At Piifox, we believe that personalizing your typing experience is the way to go. We're all about making your keyboard dreams a reality. We invite you to visit our official website at to explore the cool projects we've been working on.

We are here to learn, share, and connect with fellow keyboard lovers, whether you're a pro or just starting your keyboard adventure. Let's chat about the latest trends, swap stories, and elevate keyboard customization to the next level.

Thanks for having us here, and we can't wait to be a part of this lively Geekhack community. Feel free to drop us a line, ask questions, or share your thoughts. Your input is super valuable to us, and together, we can make the keyboard world even more exciting!

It's a pleasure to be here, and we are all ears for your ideas. Let's make this keyboard journey a fun one!

Piifox Team


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