geekhack Community > New Members

call me pian


Whats up everyone!

I recently got in to watching youtube videos of people doing mods and wanted to jump in to my first switch replacement on a K95 Platinum XT. Lo and behold after a month of learning how to desolder and solder, I have a keyboard without functioning A through ' keys. Just found this place recently while looking for more answers on how to fix this.

I am a game designer and developer with an itch for technology. I used to be a IT Specialist through the ARNG and I am about to graduate college with my bachelors in game design (hoping to hop right into the industry)

I am excited to start asking questions and poking around the site and guides.

Thanks everyone!

Hello, welcome to geekhack.

Feels rough about the switch replacement, But that stuff happens a lot as a beginner (at least for me, I messed soldering on one of my first boards and one the keys wouldn't work)

Not knowledgeable when it comes to pcbs so I can't really help sorry. But hope someone else can.


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