geekhack Community > Other Geeky Stuff

Why do you use Linux over Windows?

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I've been using Linux for home OS for more than a decade that I actually forgot the reason. but certainly I appreciate the ease of programming for stacks that I want to write.

I don't need Windows for anything. And I like Linux more for its hackability and it's more comfortable development environment for me.

When I retired I ditched Windows altogether since I no longer had to interact with work.

Linux (Mint) was a surprisingly easy transition, although there are still a handful of operations (after 4 years) that I have never discovered how to accomplish even though they were dead simple in Windows. Mostly these are in areas of hardware support and file handling.

Linux gives me the feeling of being "safer" than Windows, but I also enjoy the financial savings both initially and as time for upgrades come along. For my purposes, LibreOffice and Gimp are satisfying replacements for Office and PhotoShop.

There will always be annoyances along the way, but it has worked well for me.

I find Libreoffice's word processor to be glitchy and unstable though. I have lost documents through it, and it has crashed or locked up on me numerous times. And I don't even write much in it (preferring a text editor and LaTeX or Markdown).


--- Quote from: fohat.digs on Wed, 17 July 2024, 08:29:28 ---When I retired I ditched Windows altogether since I no longer had to interact with work.

Linux (Mint) was a surprisingly easy transition, although there are still a handful of operations (after 4 years) that I have never discovered how to accomplish even though they were dead simple in Windows. Mostly these are in areas of hardware support and file handling.

Linux gives me the feeling of being "safer" than Windows, but I also enjoy the financial savings both initially and as time for upgrades come along. For my purposes, LibreOffice and Gimp are satisfying replacements for Office and PhotoShop.

There will always be annoyances along the way, but it has worked well for me.

--- End quote ---

I mean it is safer, mainly because malware isn't made for linux at the same rate or amount as windows.

Would also not say that gimp is a photoshop alternative, I mean it's decent but insanely unintuitive and archaic. Hope gimp gets the blender treatment and gets more streamlined and intuitive.

Libre office pretty good. Works just fine for me.


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