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This year may be biblical

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Gotta stay positive in the face of certain doom, so here's my silver lining: At the rate this is going the billionaires won't have enough time to escape into space by the time the world ends.
I'm not actually gonna start prepping for the end of the world, but I will say that I'm gonna start valuing each day a bit more than I used to.

people fail to grasp "Exponential" , disasters will become "Exponentially WORSE"


TL;DR - sea level around New Orleans has risen 8 inches = 20 centimeters since the time of Hurricane Katrina

their replacement levee system isn't even up to the spec of the original which busted wide open, it's only enough to minimally qualify for insurance.


--- Quote from: fohat.digs on Wed, 12 April 2023, 09:34:07 ---

TL;DR - sea level around New Orleans has risen 8 inches = 20 centimeters since the time of Hurricane Katrina

--- End quote ---

If I lose Massachusetts to global warming I will dedicate the rest of my life to destroying everything that took my home from me


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