Author Topic: [GB] GMK 9009 R3  (Read 276824 times)

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Offline Pylon

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #250 on: Thu, 25 June 2020, 11:18:00 »
All my OG Cherry double shots have the unusually thin ? symbol.

Offline bobgr8

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #251 on: Thu, 25 June 2020, 11:27:58 »
All my OG Cherry double shots have the unusually thin ? symbol.
where can I get them? Apart from r/mm ofc

Offline Pylon

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #252 on: Thu, 25 June 2020, 11:35:14 »
Off-topic, but Cherry G80 and G81 keyboards with H as their first letter after the numbers - for example G81-8000HPBUS.

But some of the issues (? key thinness, etc.) have been issues since the Cherry days. I wonder how many of the issues are just being discovered now due to heightened scrutiny, and have always been there.

Offline senryo

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #253 on: Thu, 25 June 2020, 13:05:24 »
Can you guys post pictures of your issues so Janglad/Dixie can see and try to do something? My shipping got delayed so I wont have pictures for another 3 days. But honestly at this point is it even worth opening?

I don't think Dixie/Janglad could do much on this, its manufacturer end's problem; unless relative parties of GMK decides to step in, otherwise, I could only see this as what it is  :-X

Offline janglad

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #254 on: Thu, 25 June 2020, 13:13:05 »
Off-topic, but Cherry G80 and G81 keyboards with H as their first letter after the numbers - for example G81-8000HPBUS.

But some of the issues (? key thinness, etc.) have been issues since the Cherry days. I wonder how many of the issues are just being discovered now due to heightened scrutiny, and have always been there.

Yeah and they have fixed at least some on their own (although the only one I can think of is the # that got fixed about 1-2 years ago)

Offline janglad

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #255 on: Thu, 25 June 2020, 13:14:04 »
Also what is up with warped spacebars? Why even bother with GMK at this point.
Anybody knows how to straighten this? Coz Abs boils at a lower temperature, is it safe to attempt to straighten it.
Poor QC man. Now I know why GMK does not do a grab bag, coz GMK is grab bag Hope JTK improves it's quality and GMK get its s**** together
Show Image

Also the ? is much thinner than /
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also putting the scor// and pause and the Print here for the sake of redundancy.
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was your tray bent at all?

Offline J3ff_Leopard

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #256 on: Thu, 25 June 2020, 14:34:05 »
Just got my set in. I honestly don't think the legend issues are that bad but both my 6.25u and 7u spacebars are warped. It's not minor either. Very similar to epbt. Package was in pristine condition. Nothing so much as shifted, which was very surprising.
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Offline wil

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #257 on: Thu, 25 June 2020, 14:36:48 »
my order just arrived as well. both spacebars (6.25 and 7) are warped as well. RIP to GMK

edit: to be extra clear, the 6.25 is catching. cannot test the 7u
« Last Edit: Thu, 25 June 2020, 14:49:15 by wil »

Offline Mcnos

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #258 on: Thu, 25 June 2020, 18:26:37 »
Nothing to nit pick about except the space bars, a tad bit warped.

I see legend issues but nothing that hasn't been prevalent before.

Offline ackzot

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #259 on: Thu, 25 June 2020, 20:08:45 »
Space bars are warped. my ghetto photoshop. Jamon (right) is straight. 9009 (left) is warped.  :(


My Pause, Print, and Scroll are like the other photos. Pause and Print are liveable, but Scroll is annoying with the slanted ll.

All the space bars in the aesthetics kit are warped. the 7u rattles a little when mounted on a keyboard.

« Last Edit: Thu, 25 June 2020, 20:38:07 by ackzot »

Offline tonyjones

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #260 on: Thu, 25 June 2020, 20:33:11 »
Use some heavy dumbells and a hot blow dryer, i fixed my epbt that way

Offline ackzot

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #261 on: Thu, 25 June 2020, 20:34:29 »
another warped spacebar picture from the aesthetics kit. 7u red vs 7u green


Offline pmsingchicken

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #262 on: Thu, 25 June 2020, 21:35:07 »
I have the "Scroll" issue as well. Also the pad printed window Scroll key is noticeably darker and thicker. In addition, space bars are slightly warped as well.

Offline of_sam

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #263 on: Thu, 25 June 2020, 22:49:32 »
I also have scroll issue. And my space bars are approaching banana-ness.
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Offline LightningXI

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #264 on: Thu, 25 June 2020, 23:20:36 »
Opened up my set as well.  Reporting in:

Print and Scroll are the main culprits. Colored accent legends looked slightly feathery/blurry but nothing out of the ordinary.

Can confirm that Norde kit has Euro symbols that are very inconsistent.

Spacebars were slightly warped but probably fixable with some warm water, a stabilizer and a heavy book.

Offline jani80k

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #265 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 03:44:52 »
I think we can divide the keycap errors into two categories. the first category are randomly occurring abberations that usually don't occur in other sets. The second category are reocurring errors, e.g. "Scroll", Numpad 5,....
At least about the second category we (and GMK) can and should do something.

Offline Mcnos

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #266 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 06:42:48 »
Believe it's worth mentioning the gap on Print on Oblivion isn't perfect either.

It is less noticeable due to the color scheme though.

My eyes could be deceiving me but take it as you will

Offline HungerMechanic

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #267 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 06:45:02 »
Is that Oblivion V1 or V2?

Offline Mcnos

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #268 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 06:48:54 »

Offline ricesteam

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #269 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 09:55:04 »
The space bar warping is unacceptable, however, I think people are overreacting on the lettering.


That's GMK Modo R1 on my keyboard.

Offline LightningXI

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #270 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 10:01:12 »
The space bar warping is unacceptable, however, I think people are overreacting on the lettering.

(Attachment Link)

That's GMK Modo R1 on my keyboard.
Oh hey, that pretty much looks EXACTLY the same.

Guess you're right.

But it also doesn't mean we shouldn't give that feedback back to GMK. I think it's good to be able to confirm that this issue has been around always. Just that people didn't bother to check or couldn't notice it beforehand.

p.s. please bring old trays back; the new ones suck.
« Last Edit: Fri, 26 June 2020, 10:38:37 by LightningXI »

Offline janglad

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #271 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 10:24:54 »
The space bar warping is unacceptable, however, I think people are overreacting on the lettering.

(Attachment Link)

That's GMK Modo R1 on my keyboard.

Thinking about it now MoDo 1 might be the first set that used Scroll indicating that this issue was in the mould from the beginning (and is thus not recent). I didn't realise it at the time but that should mean it was a new mould made back then. I might be wrong but all the "one liners" before that seem to be Lock, if anyone else can think of a set that used it before MoDo LMK cause I could definitely be wrong.

Offline VXQN

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #272 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 10:52:52 »
Both the spacebars in my base kit are warped too. Just like the pictures others have posted.

Offline hkiri

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #273 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 11:20:58 »
Yes, same issue for me with the bent spacebars.
Can only check the 6.25u - doesn't seem to cause any problems (so far), but you can see that one side sits a little higher.

Offline The Real Lippy

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #274 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 11:50:53 »

My whole base kit is F'ed. I have the same issues as everyone eles, The pink accents are off and just very cloudy, its hard to get in pictures but it almost looks like a printer when its low on ink, there is white cloudy dots all through the color of the accent keys. My spacebars are warped to the point where they are unusable. The legends are my smallest problem but still really bad, everything with a P in it looks awful and my scroll lock looks like its on crack. I bought 2 base kits and i'm afraid to even open the second one and reading through this thread doesnt give me any hope that anything will be done about this but ill post what pics i have anyway.

Offline HungerMechanic

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #275 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 12:21:44 »
GMK-PRepublic 9009

Offline TheInverseKey

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #276 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 12:35:00 »

My whole base kit is F'ed. I have the same issues as everyone eles, The pink accents are off and just very cloudy, its hard to get in pictures but it almost looks like a printer when its low on ink, there is white cloudy dots all through the color of the accent keys. My spacebars are warped to the point where they are unusable. The legends are my smallest problem but still really bad, everything with a P in it looks awful and my scroll lock looks like its on crack. I bought 2 base kits and i'm afraid to even open the second one and reading through this thread doesnt give me any hope that anything will be done about this but ill post what pics i have anyway.

I would call it bleed rather the cloudy as since the second colour is darker than the rest of the cap you will notice more bleed regardless. However, I have not seen bleed this bad on doubleshots in a long time.

Offline The Real Lippy

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #277 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 13:39:18 »

My whole base kit is F'ed. I have the same issues as everyone eles, The pink accents are off and just very cloudy, its hard to get in pictures but it almost looks like a printer when its low on ink, there is white cloudy dots all through the color of the accent keys. My spacebars are warped to the point where they are unusable. The legends are my smallest problem but still really bad, everything with a P in it looks awful and my scroll lock looks like its on crack. I bought 2 base kits and i'm afraid to even open the second one and reading through this thread doesnt give me any hope that anything will be done about this but ill post what pics i have anyway.

I would call it bleed rather the cloudy as since the second colour is darker than the rest of the cap you will notice more bleed regardless. However, I have not seen bleed this bad on doubleshots in a long time.

I agree bleed is a good word for it but besides the bleed i think the whole color is also off, i know nothing ever looks like the renders but i always remember 9009 being closer to eraser pink istead of orange red like R3 seems to have come out, but like i stated i think that these are all minor issues that happen with alot of sets. The unuseable spacebars and disgusting scroll locks are the two biggest issues because they make the set untypeable and there is no excuse for that, i think at a bare minimum we need to get our spacebars fixed   

Offline LightningXI

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #278 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 14:39:48 »

My whole base kit is F'ed. I have the same issues as everyone eles, The pink accents are off and just very cloudy, its hard to get in pictures but it almost looks like a printer when its low on ink, there is white cloudy dots all through the color of the accent keys. My spacebars are warped to the point where they are unusable. The legends are my smallest problem but still really bad, everything with a P in it looks awful and my scroll lock looks like its on crack. I bought 2 base kits and i'm afraid to even open the second one and reading through this thread doesnt give me any hope that anything will be done about this but ill post what pics i have anyway.

I would call it bleed rather the cloudy as since the second colour is darker than the rest of the cap you will notice more bleed regardless. However, I have not seen bleed this bad on doubleshots in a long time.

I agree bleed is a good word for it but besides the bleed i think the whole color is also off, i know nothing ever looks like the renders but i always remember 9009 being closer to eraser pink istead of orange red like R3 seems to have come out, but like i stated i think that these are all minor issues that happen with alot of sets. The unuseable spacebars and disgusting scroll locks are the two biggest issues because they make the set untypeable and there is no excuse for that, i think at a bare minimum we need to get our spacebars fixed   

Let me debunk that now because that's misleading and incorrect. Here's a comparison of the accents with the actual GMK color chips that the color is based on. The colors are spot-on.

Offline janglad

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #279 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 15:15:01 »
So 2 sets that sprung to mind that have the same Print Scroll Pause keys are Nines and Vaporwave

(Thanks to Poesjuh for the Nines pics!)

These moulds were like this from the beginning

Offline ttom

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #280 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 15:17:56 »
karens rise up
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Offline bobgr8

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #281 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 15:21:11 »
Also what is up with warped spacebars? Why even bother with GMK at this point.
Anybody knows how to straighten this? Coz Abs boils at a lower temperature, is it safe to attempt to straighten it.
Poor QC man. Now I know why GMK does not do a grab bag, coz GMK is grab bag Hope JTK improves it's quality and GMK get its s**** together
Show Image

Also the ? is much thinner than /
Show Image

also putting the scor// and pause and the Print here for the sake of redundancy.
Show Image

was your tray bent at all?

Hey, no the keycaps came in perfect condition, the vendor (ilu) had put in them in another box with some padding.

I doubt it's shipping damage, as my aesthetics kit which is packed outside the base was also bent. Both the 7u and 6.5u red and green are bent. Which basically means I have a lot of warped spacebars that cause rattle :(

karens rise up

You vs the guy she told you not to worry about.
« Last Edit: Fri, 26 June 2020, 15:30:45 by bobgr8 »

Offline 1391401

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #282 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 15:39:41 »
yall wildin in this thread - be happy we don't use Signature Plastics anymore their **** was all jacked up
People I've given money to from this webform who never respond to me and have not shipped me anything: 1 2, Team Readline Reputable alternatives to GH group buys:,,

Offline bobgr8

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #283 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 15:43:54 »
Also what is up with warped spacebars? Why even bother with GMK at this point.
Anybody knows how to straighten this? Coz Abs boils at a lower temperature, is it safe to attempt to straighten it.
Poor QC man. Now I know why GMK does not do a grab bag, coz GMK is grab bag Hope JTK improves it's quality and GMK get its s**** together
Show Image

Also the ? is much thinner than /
Show Image

also putting the scor// and pause and the Print here for the sake of redundancy.
Show Image

was your tray bent at all?

Hey, no the keycaps came in perfect condition, the vendor (ilu) had put in them in another box with some padding.

I doubt it's shipping damage, as my aesthetics kit which is packed outside the base was also bent. Both the 7u and 6.5u red and green are bent. Which basically means I have a lot of warped spacebars that cause rattle :(

karens rise up

Show Image

You vs the guy she told you not to worry about.

This is just another testament to show renders aren't reflective of the set. The 't' is completely different. Which basically means we blindly buy a keyset.

To be clear the moulds aren't the designers fault, however we expect them to help getting this feedback back to GMK especially if they have future involvement with GMK. Further the warped spacebars are unacceptable to me, the only reason why I bought them was for the straightness.

JTK spacebars are on taobao for mere dollars if one is willing to use a proxy. And they come straight. I am willing to accept the ****ty legend (which is beyond me because GMK uses custom moulds for novelties, but still willing to accept), but faulty spacebars are a no go, especially when I have 8 of them.

Would you at least consider getting a replacement for these faulty spacebars? Even replacements (if any) are going to be a headache for me coz Im not in the US and my country has no proxy, which means I'll have to pay for shipping and customs on it.
« Last Edit: Fri, 26 June 2020, 17:05:14 by bobgr8 »

Offline clik_clak

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #284 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 15:47:36 »

...the only reason why I bought them was for the straightness....

The only reason you bought them was because you thought they'd be straight? Seems like a very weird reason to buy something.

Offline hkiri

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #285 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 15:50:29 »
These moulds were like this from the beginning

That's even worse tbh.

Offline bobgr8

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #286 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 15:52:01 »

...the only reason why I bought them was for the straightness....

The only reason you bought them was because you thought they'd be straight? Seems like a very weird reason to buy something.

Is it unreasonable to expect straight spacebars? This isn't a known issue, unlike with PBT spacebars. Also forgive me, English isn't my native language.

Offline Puddsy

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #287 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 16:00:07 »

...the only reason why I bought them was for the straightness....

The only reason you bought them was because you thought they'd be straight? Seems like a very weird reason to buy something.

Is it unreasonable to expect straight spacebars? This isn't a known issue, unlike with PBT spacebars. Also forgive me, English isn't my native language.

all plastics will have some degree of warpage when molded into shapes like this unless they are reinforced in some way, per my conversations with various manufacturers (some keycap and some not) and plastics engineers

my spacebars from KB/CO, handarbeit, and soware are all mildly warped, as well as on a couple of my yolch sets

it's less a matter of total prevention and more a matter of mitigating it as much as possible
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Offline bobgr8

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #288 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 16:12:10 »

...the only reason why I bought them was for the straightness....

The only reason you bought them was because you thought they'd be straight? Seems like a very weird reason to buy something.

Is it unreasonable to expect straight spacebars? This isn't a known issue, unlike with PBT spacebars. Also forgive me, English isn't my native language.

all plastics will have some degree of warpage when molded into shapes like this unless they are reinforced in some way, per my conversations with various manufacturers (some keycap and some not) and plastics engineers

my spacebars from KB/CO, handarbeit, and soware are all mildly warped, as well as on a couple of my yolch sets

it's less a matter of total prevention and more a matter of mitigating it as much as possible

Hey, I agree all manufacturing have certain tolerances, but getting 8 warped spacebars means it isn't a tolerance issue.Further other also have this issue, which wasn't reported in previous sets. The level of warping is very close to my ePbt set. PBT at least has the excuse of being .. well.. PBT.
« Last Edit: Fri, 26 June 2020, 17:04:47 by bobgr8 »

Offline clik_clak

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #289 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 16:30:46 »

...the only reason why I bought them was for the straightness....

The only reason you bought them was because you thought they'd be straight? Seems like a very weird reason to buy something.

No it's not. What's unreasonable is to buy something simply because you thought it would be straight.

Most people buy spacebars to use, not to marvel out how well they sit against a flat surface.

I think you're buying spacebars for the wrong reason.

Is it unreasonable to expect straight spacebars? This isn't a known issue, unlike with PBT spacebars. Also forgive me, English isn't my native language.

Offline Sun

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #290 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 18:24:09 »
I don't expect the space bars to be perfectly square but this level of warping is concerning because it is obviously worse than all my other GMK sets. My PBT Mt3 Serika space bar is better. Warping is not purely an aesthetics issue for me as it makes my stabilizer noisy.

I am also not using the accent escape key because of the "fuzziness" on the double shot.

I believe these issues along with the spacing and kerning were there all along but for some reason they are worse on this set in particular. I hope GMK will look into this and identify what happened because quality should be improving not getting worse.

Legend sharpness and no warped bars along with color are some of the main reasons I prefer GMK ABS over PBT dye sub. 

So 2 sets that sprung to mind that have the same Print Scroll Pause keys are Nines and Vaporwave

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(Thanks to Poesjuh for the Nines pics!)

These moulds were like this from the beginning

Why is 9009 legend thickness so inconsistent when compared to these other sets?
« Last Edit: Fri, 26 June 2020, 18:27:12 by Sun »

Offline janglad

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #291 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 19:06:22 »
I don't expect the space bars to be perfectly square but this level of warping is concerning because it is obviously worse than all my other GMK sets. My PBT Mt3 Serika space bar is better. Warping is not purely an aesthetics issue for me as it makes my stabilizer noisy.

I am also not using the accent escape key because of the "fuzziness" on the double shot.

I believe these issues along with the spacing and kerning were there all along but for some reason they are worse on this set in particular. I hope GMK will look into this and identify what happened because quality should be improving not getting worse.

Legend sharpness and no warped bars along with color are some of the main reasons I prefer GMK ABS over PBT dye sub. 

So 2 sets that sprung to mind that have the same Print Scroll Pause keys are Nines and Vaporwave

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(Thanks to Poesjuh for the Nines pics!)

These moulds were like this from the beginning

Why is 9009 legend thickness so inconsistent when compared to these other sets?

Ones like Scroll and Print are identical to other sets, they pop out a bit more cause of the deep black legends/high contrast + people are just looking for them now.

Left is R2 right is R3, R3 is identical or better (icon enter line is straighter/cleaner).

Thanks to LightningXI for these, go harass him on Twitch

Offline The Real Lippy

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #292 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 19:36:42 »

My whole base kit is F'ed. I have the same issues as everyone eles, The pink accents are off and just very cloudy, its hard to get in pictures but it almost looks like a printer when its low on ink, there is white cloudy dots all through the color of the accent keys. My spacebars are warped to the point where they are unusable. The legends are my smallest problem but still really bad, everything with a P in it looks awful and my scroll lock looks like its on crack. I bought 2 base kits and i'm afraid to even open the second one and reading through this thread doesnt give me any hope that anything will be done about this but ill post what pics i have anyway.

I would call it bleed rather the cloudy as since the second colour is darker than the rest of the cap you will notice more bleed regardless. However, I have not seen bleed this bad on doubleshots in a long time.

I agree bleed is a good word for it but besides the bleed i think the whole color is also off, i know nothing ever looks like the renders but i always remember 9009 being closer to eraser pink istead of orange red like R3 seems to have come out, but like i stated i think that these are all minor issues that happen with alot of sets. The unuseable spacebars and disgusting scroll locks are the two biggest issues because they make the set untypeable and there is no excuse for that, i think at a bare minimum we need to get our spacebars fixed   

Let me debunk that now because that's misleading and incorrect. Here's a comparison of the accents with the actual GMK color chips that the color is based on. The colors are spot-on.

Show Image

My whole base kit is F'ed. I have the same issues as everyone eles, The pink accents are off and just very cloudy, its hard to get in pictures but it almost looks like a printer when its low on ink, there is white cloudy dots all through the color of the accent keys. My spacebars are warped to the point where they are unusable. The legends are my smallest problem but still really bad, everything with a P in it looks awful and my scroll lock looks like its on crack. I bought 2 base kits and i'm afraid to even open the second one and reading through this thread doesnt give me any hope that anything will be done about this but ill post what pics i have anyway.

I would call it bleed rather the cloudy as since the second colour is darker than the rest of the cap you will notice more bleed regardless. However, I have not seen bleed this bad on doubleshots in a long time.

I agree bleed is a good word for it but besides the bleed i think the whole color is also off, i know nothing ever looks like the renders but i always remember 9009 being closer to eraser pink istead of orange red like R3 seems to have come out, but like i stated i think that these are all minor issues that happen with alot of sets. The unuseable spacebars and disgusting scroll locks are the two biggest issues because they make the set untypeable and there is no excuse for that, i think at a bare minimum we need to get our spacebars fixed   

Let me debunk that now because that's misleading and incorrect. Here's a comparison of the accents with the actual GMK color chips that the color is based on. The colors are spot-on.

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Yeah now match that to the color of my accents and ESC key and you clearly see that doesnt match.... Mine is way more muted, in person its even worse.... It legit looks like they were running low on ink or something and there is these tiny white dots all through the cap

Offline janglad

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #293 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 19:53:24 »

My whole base kit is F'ed. I have the same issues as everyone eles, The pink accents are off and just very cloudy, its hard to get in pictures but it almost looks like a printer when its low on ink, there is white cloudy dots all through the color of the accent keys. My spacebars are warped to the point where they are unusable. The legends are my smallest problem but still really bad, everything with a P in it looks awful and my scroll lock looks like its on crack. I bought 2 base kits and i'm afraid to even open the second one and reading through this thread doesnt give me any hope that anything will be done about this but ill post what pics i have anyway.

I would call it bleed rather the cloudy as since the second colour is darker than the rest of the cap you will notice more bleed regardless. However, I have not seen bleed this bad on doubleshots in a long time.

I agree bleed is a good word for it but besides the bleed i think the whole color is also off, i know nothing ever looks like the renders but i always remember 9009 being closer to eraser pink istead of orange red like R3 seems to have come out, but like i stated i think that these are all minor issues that happen with alot of sets. The unuseable spacebars and disgusting scroll locks are the two biggest issues because they make the set untypeable and there is no excuse for that, i think at a bare minimum we need to get our spacebars fixed   

Let me debunk that now because that's misleading and incorrect. Here's a comparison of the accents with the actual GMK color chips that the color is based on. The colors are spot-on.

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My whole base kit is F'ed. I have the same issues as everyone eles, The pink accents are off and just very cloudy, its hard to get in pictures but it almost looks like a printer when its low on ink, there is white cloudy dots all through the color of the accent keys. My spacebars are warped to the point where they are unusable. The legends are my smallest problem but still really bad, everything with a P in it looks awful and my scroll lock looks like its on crack. I bought 2 base kits and i'm afraid to even open the second one and reading through this thread doesnt give me any hope that anything will be done about this but ill post what pics i have anyway.

I would call it bleed rather the cloudy as since the second colour is darker than the rest of the cap you will notice more bleed regardless. However, I have not seen bleed this bad on doubleshots in a long time.

I agree bleed is a good word for it but besides the bleed i think the whole color is also off, i know nothing ever looks like the renders but i always remember 9009 being closer to eraser pink istead of orange red like R3 seems to have come out, but like i stated i think that these are all minor issues that happen with alot of sets. The unuseable spacebars and disgusting scroll locks are the two biggest issues because they make the set untypeable and there is no excuse for that, i think at a bare minimum we need to get our spacebars fixed   

Let me debunk that now because that's misleading and incorrect. Here's a comparison of the accents with the actual GMK color chips that the color is based on. The colors are spot-on.

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Yeah now match that to the color of my accents and ESC key and you clearly see that doesnt match.... Mine is way more muted, in person its even worse.... It legit looks like they were running low on ink or something and there is these tiny white dots all through the cap

What kind of lighting are you under? Plastic is ordered in huge batches, especially stock colours. A single outlier definitely seems impossible, especially across multiple keys that all happen to be that way in one set...

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #294 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 19:59:10 »
I don't expect the space bars to be perfectly square but this level of warping is concerning because it is obviously worse than all my other GMK sets. My PBT Mt3 Serika space bar is better. Warping is not purely an aesthetics issue for me as it makes my stabilizer noisy.

I am also not using the accent escape key because of the "fuzziness" on the double shot.

I believe these issues along with the spacing and kerning were there all along but for some reason they are worse on this set in particular. I hope GMK will look into this and identify what happened because quality should be improving not getting worse.

Legend sharpness and no warped bars along with color are some of the main reasons I prefer GMK ABS over PBT dye sub. 

So 2 sets that sprung to mind that have the same Print Scroll Pause keys are Nines and Vaporwave

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(Thanks to Poesjuh for the Nines pics!)

These moulds were like this from the beginning

Why is 9009 legend thickness so inconsistent when compared to these other sets?

Ones like Scroll and Print are identical to other sets, they pop out a bit more cause of the deep black legends/high contrast + people are just looking for them now.

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Left is R2 right is R3, R3 is identical or better (icon enter line is straighter/cleaner).

Thanks to LightningXI for these, go harass him on Twitch

They do look identical. It is just weird that I don't see these issues with my other sets. I guess it could be the color combination affecting my perception.

Offline Delirious

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #295 on: Fri, 26 June 2020, 22:10:38 »
So 2 sets that sprung to mind that have the same Print Scroll Pause keys are Nines and Vaporwave

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(Thanks to Poesjuh for the Nines pics!)

These moulds were like this from the beginning

This is actually sad and hysterical at the same time. I get the intention to change ''scroll lock'' to ''scroll'' to make it more uniform next to ''print'' and ''pause''. But nobody bothered to scrutinize after paying all that money for a new mold, only to realize GMK have been butt slamming buyers after 5-6 GBs deep, very deep.

Offline LightningXI

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #296 on: Sat, 27 June 2020, 01:04:10 »
So 2 sets that sprung to mind that have the same Print Scroll Pause keys are Nines and Vaporwave

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(Thanks to Poesjuh for the Nines pics!)

These moulds were like this from the beginning

This is actually sad and hysterical at the same time. I get the intention to change ''scroll lock'' to ''scroll'' to make it more uniform next to ''print'' and ''pause''. But nobody bothered to scrutinize after paying all that money for a new mold, only to realize GMK have been butt slamming buyers after 5-6 GBs deep, very deep.

I honestly think it isn't even about the new mold, but about the way they have "Scroll" modeled in their files, so this ""issue"" could extend even further back to the oldest sets made. I think it's just the massive scaling and hyperawareness around this that's making this blow up. Of course we could have suggestions for GMK to fix this, but I don't think they may be at fault here for this if this has been something that has been overlooked for, like, forever.

Some images of older sets here:

GMK Cyan                     GMK Uniqey Q:01
GMK White on Black       GMK TA90

And to accentuate the word "Scroll" even further:

My thoughts: people are blowing this out of proportion. The "defects" have always been there and are just being brought to attention now. This is good info for GMK to follow up on, but not something to be absolutely furious about.
« Last Edit: Sat, 27 June 2020, 01:34:19 by LightningXI »

Offline befbef

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #297 on: Sat, 27 June 2020, 01:11:21 »
Put my set on a board yesterday and I'm very happy.
Aside from the Dixiemods. These are totally out of place. Why do we have Alt-Gr to give it a vintage touch and then replace shift and caps with cheap-chinese-clone mods?

I don't expect doubleshots to be 100% perfect and looking on my board these are beautiful. I don't use macro lenses to look at them.
Had a jtk set last year, since then I appreciate the quality of gmk even more.

Offline Pylon

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #298 on: Sat, 27 June 2020, 01:55:33 »
For reference here are my OG Cherry double shots,  both off G81-8000s. You can see the "s" on the Pause key looks rotated compared to the "s" on the INsert key, the same kerning issues on Scroll Lock, etc.


Offline janglad

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Re: [GB] GMK 9009 R3
« Reply #299 on: Sat, 27 June 2020, 05:42:19 »
Also what is up with warped spacebars? Why even bother with GMK at this point.
Anybody knows how to straighten this? Coz Abs boils at a lower temperature, is it safe to attempt to straighten it.
Poor QC man. Now I know why GMK does not do a grab bag, coz GMK is grab bag Hope JTK improves it's quality and GMK get its s**** together
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Also the ? is much thinner than /
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also putting the scor// and pause and the Print here for the sake of redundancy.
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was your tray bent at all?

Hey, no the keycaps came in perfect condition, the vendor (ilu) had put in them in another box with some padding.

I doubt it's shipping damage, as my aesthetics kit which is packed outside the base was also bent. Both the 7u and 6.5u red and green are bent. Which basically means I have a lot of warped spacebars that cause rattle :(

karens rise up

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You vs the guy she told you not to worry about.

This is just another testament to show renders aren't reflective of the set. The 't' is completely different. Which basically means we blindly buy a keyset.

To be clear the moulds aren't the designers fault, however we expect them to help getting this feedback back to GMK especially if they have future involvement with GMK. Further the warped spacebars are unacceptable to me, the only reason why I bought them was for the straightness.

JTK spacebars are on taobao for mere dollars if one is willing to use a proxy. And they come straight. I am willing to accept the ****ty legend (which is beyond me because GMK uses custom moulds for novelties, but still willing to accept), but faulty spacebars are a no go, especially when I have 8 of them.

Would you at least consider getting a replacement for these faulty spacebars? Even replacements (if any) are going to be a headache for me coz Im not in the US and my country has no proxy, which means I'll have to pay for shipping and customs on it.

You're right my render legends were inaccurate back then (I was Arial Rounded MT Bold as the font which obviously has differences like the t) but FYI I redid them for scratch since MoDoL by tracing pictures of GMK caps so it should be close to 1:1 now.