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Fohat,  Harris will send your kiddos off to war. 

Get the draft dodging tickets ready,  New Zealand perhaps.


I've drank water this one time, as a poor person, it's very good water, like you never had. We will take the water, from Canada, they have been hoarding all this water. It's just sitting there, I have a great relationship with Trudeau. I am sure he will have no problems with it, and if he does, I've got a plan, a great plan, I'm going to negotiate, I am the best negotiator, my MIT uncle, and Elon Musk, smart guys, they agree I am great at negotiations. I will get the water, California will have more water than it could ever drink, but it's not enough water for the migrants, the illegal immigrants coming from all over, it wouldn't matter if we got all of the water, they will drink it all, we have to keep migrants out, you know Biden, he's just letting all these illegal mexicans drink america's water, not on my watch, Canada's water is for Americans only, and American water is making america great again.

Fine people, the best people.


--- Quote from: fohat.digs on Tue, 24 September 2024, 14:48:00 ---Fine people, the best people.

--- End quote ---

Obama authorized the largest assassination campaign (Drone strikes) ever conducted by the United States.  From the perspective of the other country,  we are the terrorists.

Everyone in higher office, are dehumanized killers.   Don't be lulled into believing there is a moral superiority here.  This is our American Imperialism and the unlimited use of violence to justify itself.

Kamala is even weaker than Obama. 

Biden might be too damn old, but at least he has clot and can swing his own ideas.

Bernie was America's last chance.


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