geekhack Marketplace > Interest Checks

[IC] Phantom Keyboard Assembly Service

(1/12) > >>

This interest check is for a service that will be put on by me (Prof) and MiMiC if interest is great enough. The services offered will be plain assembly, modded switches (ergo clears, getto greens, etc), lubing and stickering. We will also be doing a groupbuy for certain parts for our customers to get better bulk pricing and so there is less intermediate shipping. Things offered might be diodes, resistors, leds, switches, stabilzers, cases, plates, and cables, this all depends on interest.

GB thread opened

Nice one, be sure to use SMD diodes and invest in a cable bender like litster used for the 7 unit space bars.  Will you offer a cherry or costar stabiliser option?

I loved assembling mine, but if you haven't got the stuff having it done for you is great.

This time round with the phantom it would be good to see the plate designed to be integrated with a case, like the Korean's do.

Awesome Will be looking at this closely! Already been poisoned by the phantom gb :eek:

i will be in if everything could be bought through you guys. its could cut cost in shipping on many things. :D



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