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What ya reading?

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Searched for a thread about books and reading but didn't find anything. Thought I'd make it then.

So the idea is simple - tell about what you're reading.

Let's start off with a few guidelines:

* What are you reading now and what's the author? Maybe add short description about the book or why you chose it. Maybe just add the genre so others can know if they're interested.
* What's on your "to read" list if you have it.
* OPTIONAL Your reading habits. Where and when do you read?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reading right now:

* Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer. Horror, Science fiction, Mystery. Would add a description but my english isn't that good and don't want to spoil it. But a really fun and scary (I'm a wuss!) read.
* Agile development with Rails 4 by Sam Ruby. Programming, Educational. Reading for work as I'm a junior developer.
About to start reading:

* Mo' Meta Blues by Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson. Music, Hip-hop, (Auto)Biography. I really like to listen to him talk about music and well, the man's a walking talking musical Wikipedia. Nuff said.
* Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. Psychology, sociology. Recommended by a colleague.
     Can't read in a moving vehicle. Got a Kindle as a Christmas gift and started reading again more actively after a year off from books. Now I'm in search of finding the best reads out there. Now I'm trying to read every night before bed but usually reading 2-4 nights a week.

There is a book thread somewhere, but it's old, and this is a good place to start a new one.

Currently reading: Station Breaker, by Andrew Mayne.

Next up:
- Citadel 32, by Tom Merritt
- The Life Engineered, by JF Dubeau
- CTRL ALT Revolt!, by Nick Cole
- The Big Fear, by Andrew Case

Habits: I do all my reading either on a Kindle, or by audiobook. The Kindle app on my Fire also does text-to-speech, when no audiobook version is available. I do lots of driving, so the ability to "read" while driving is a great thing.

Gonna pick up the hell's super series.

The Necronomicon by H. P. Lovecraft. I tend to read mostly classics and/or horror, or in this case, a horror classic. I've read it before but it's fun enough to read again, and they're all short stories anyway.

My "going-to-read" list is mostly horrible chemistry bibles I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy xD .

Recently finished: "Words Without Music" by Philip Glass - wonderful! -

Read halfway and had to return to the library, will finish later: "Destiny & Power" Jon Meacham - excellent -

Just finished: "Diamond Dogs/Turquoise Days" by Alastair Reynolds

Currently reading: "The Year's Best Science Fiction" edited by Gardner Dozois

Up next, maybe?: "Steve Jobs"


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