geekhack Community > Other Geeky Stuff

What are you reading? (The thread about what you are reading)

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Freedom from Fear

Working through The Witcher series. Currently almost done with Lady of the Lake.

"Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution" by Mr. Steven Levy.

I'm almost done with it! Such a fantastic read for anyone into computers (I'm a software developer myself). :)


--- Quote from: enrique.aliaga on Sun, 17 March 2019, 11:14:22 ---"Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution" by Mr. Steven Levy.

I'm almost done with it! Such a fantastic read for anyone into computers (I'm a software developer myself). :)

--- End quote ---

His writing style makes for an easy read. You'd probably also enjoy his book Crypto.

I read mostly sci-fi and fantasy, which I buy mostly at flea markets .. and I buy everything that I can find. (except odd books in the middle of series)
The advantages of that is part the price, but also that I get a lot of things that I wouldn't have sought out otherwise.

Right now, I am in the middle of Anne Rice's "Pandora". A 2000-year old vampire tells her origin story: about how she had grown up and become a vampire during the Roman Empire.


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