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Do you use your little fingers to type often?

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I'm cowboy-typing. Left pinky for left Shift. Right pinky on right Shift key for some symbols on the far right of the alphanumeric keyboard.
I've trained myself to use the right pinky for P, [ ; and '   (actually P, Å, Ä and Ö in Swedish layout), but in practice I do that only sometimes.


--- Quote from: Findecanor on Wed, 25 January 2023, 15:30:01 ---I'm cowboy-typing. Left pinky for left Shift. Right pinky on right Shift key for some symbols on the far right of the alphanumeric keyboard.
I've trained myself to use the right pinky for P, [ ; and '   (actually P, Å, Ä and Ö in Swedish layout), but in practice I do that only sometimes.

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tp4 never uses right shift on flat qwerty board,  ergodox yes, but on flatq, the whole hand kind of has to move.


--- Quote from: EpomakerKeyboard on Mon, 06 June 2022, 21:20:23 ---When learning to type, I had a proper lesson to train myself rest the certain fingers to certain keys. In this way, I can type without watching the keyboard. But when at work, I met some people who cannot leave their eyes on the keyboard to type, especiall when it comes to the keys that the little fingers can reach. And then I saw some youtubers who do typing tests without using their little fingers, which is unbelievable for me!
So I wonder, how many people use their little fingers when typing?

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My little fingers should ideally be replaced with cybernetic ones , i do not use them for typing it feels weird

Very handy to hit that enter / Rshift button while gaming!

If I'm "typing typing", as in not just pecking out a word or two but actually sitting at my computer keyboard and writing, then yes I tend to use my pinkies. In cases where I'm only entering a few words I'll tend to not properly position over the keyboard, and not use them as much.

The exception is when I'm using a fully manual typewriter, which I sometimes do for journaling. In that case I won't use my pinkies very much except for the shift keys; with the extra force and long travel of a typewriter key it gets to be a bit uncomfortable over time. Once in awhile I'll use them, maybe for the occasional 'Q' or 'P' that's perfectly positioned and leveraged.


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