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Brussel sprouts = poison
Sumtn's not right with sprouts. Tp4 has tried them on multiple occasions, the first few taste fine, but then TP4 is overcome with strong perceptual nausea.
Whuddup w'dat... No problems with brocolli/cabbage or any other brassicas.
I keep telling you, vegetables are disgusting objects sprouted from poop, it's not safe for human consumption .
--- Quote from: chyros on Fri, 26 May 2023, 09:03:36 ---I keep telling you, vegetables are disgusting objects sprouted from poop, it's not safe for human consumption Show Image .
--- End quote ---
in this 1-instance, tp4 agrees, that sprouts may not be fit for tp4 consumption.
I used my dehdrator to make "brussels chips" out of the large leaves from the primary plant that were very good.
Perhaps they would be more palatable if cooked by briefly browning them in very hot oil, then adding some water and covering the pan to let them steam and soften up for a few minutes.
Also, they need to be lightly salted to take away the bitterness.
They have changed significantly over the past 25 years or so due to genetic modifying. Sprouts are modded to be much less bitter, larger, and last longer on shelves.
Most people over 30 can remember when sprouts were smaller and more bitter. Nothing is the same anymore, even natural veggies.
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