geekhack Community > Keyboard Keycaps

Lasered or Dyesub?

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is there a model number on the back?

it is an olivetti branded g81 with black my switches.
doesnt use the usual cherry model numbers
model 2812

The Solutor:
Never seen an Olivetti like this, maybe meant for specialized tasks like ticket emission, postal service, whatever...

dont know, the only other reference to this board I could find was for dust covers, so they seem to be pretty rare
You should keep your eyes open, if they show up anywhere then most likely in Italy

The Solutor:

--- Quote from: mbc;392160 ---
You should keep your eyes open, if they show up anywhere then most likely in Italy
--- End quote ---

Usually the olivetti keyboards are olivetti made, and usually are gray and with a good design, and this one lacks all the three features.

So could be a recent "production", or a specialized one, ore something made for a foreign Olivetti subsidiary.

Anyway where are you from, and have you an idea about how many years old could be that keyboard ?


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