geekhack Marketplace > The Athenaeum
Nominate-A-Bro: Final Edition
There are so many people who I want to put forward but the person who sticks out recently is Zearoh. From day one he has been an amazing friend and has helped me through not just hobby related issues but life issues. He is an amazing community member and an even better friend. If I were to list every single thing he has done for me I would hit the character limit but I will say if you can think of it he has probably done it for not just me but many others as well.
Rich is a super good dude. Rich was one of the first people I met after moving to Norther Virginia. Rich and I meet routinely to chat about keycaps, work and life over coffee. As a fellow Bro Caps collector and all around good guy, he is deserving of a sweet set of caps.
MoreWow, okay… so many people have been bros, I don’t know where to start:
At the time of this writing, you had an eyepatch. Thank you! I nominate you!
In the year 2037, you just finished writing an e-book about artisan keycaps to moderate praise. Thank you! I nominate you!
At the time of this writing, you’re out there spending your sweet, sweet, Geekhack money. Thank you! I nominate you!
Taylor Swift
You’re an authentic soul and I love your music. Thank you! I nominate you!
At the time of this writing, you were a member of Brocaps, which is a business, not a person. Thank you! I nominate you!
McDonald’s Breakfast
I’m sorry that I tell other people I don’t love you. I truly do. Thank you! I nominate you!
At the time of this writing, you used to live in FL. It’s not notable or anything, I just thought I’d share. Thank you! I nominate you!
Electro-Capacitive Keyboards
I don’t have to solder you and you feel nice. Thank you! I nominate you!
Mother Nature
You’re crazy sometimes you ol’ so-and-so. Thank you! I nominate you!
Fire Brand:
He's a decent kid, he got my Unicorn blood keycap so that's always nice since I really wanted it (Still have it) and he genuinely likes the community and is just an all-round nice guy, always happy to chat on slack or IRC and just does his own thing and kinda always been there in the background but never really been noticed.
3. One entry per person
Pls, and thanks :)
--- Quote from: Taylorisg on Wed, 14 August 2019, 15:37:00 ---Wow, okay… so many people have been bros, I don’t know where to start:
At the time of this writing, you had an eyepatch. Thank you! I nominate you!
In the year 2037, you just finished writing an e-book about artisan keycaps to moderate praise. Thank you! I nominate you!
At the time of this writing, you’re out there spending your sweet, sweet, Geekhack money. Thank you! I nominate you!
Taylor Swift
You’re an authentic soul and I love your music. Thank you! I nominate you!
At the time of this writing, you were a member of Brocaps, which is a business, not a person. Thank you! I nominate you!
McDonald’s Breakfast
I’m sorry that I tell other people I don’t love you. I truly do. Thank you! I nominate you!
At the time of this writing, you used to live in FL. It’s not notable or anything, I just thought I’d share. Thank you! I nominate you!
Electro-Capacitive Keyboards
I don’t have to solder you and you feel nice. Thank you! I nominate you!
Mother Nature
You’re crazy sometimes you ol’ so-and-so. Thank you! I nominate you!
--- End quote ---
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