geekhack Marketplace > The Athenaeum
Nominate-A-Bro: Final Edition
Dalsu - As a new member to the community, it is sometimes difficult to break into the scene with such a small, tight knit community. For the most part, people don't take kindly to new comers in this hobby. If you disagree you are kidding yourself. No one likes the FNG until he/she somehow "proves themselves". Dalsu was one of the few people to help me understand the value of keycaps when I was in the dark, how people like to trade, and introduced me to many of the other great friends I have met in the hobby. He not only has lead me to the promised land, but also been a great friend. His guidance has been something that most others would not have even bothered. If you don't like him, you're probably a beta. Sometimes you just need to hear it like it is; Dalsu has no filter, and I respect people like that.
Badchad - Chaddington was the second person to take me under their wing. He is one of the most humble people I have come across ion any hobby. With just knowing me only for a few weeks, he was willing to make me a mini commission of one of his amazing Daffy v2 sculpts in a monochrome colorway, and a matching blank to boot. This is a testament to his giving nature, as well as his non-elitist mentality. Who would agree to make a key cap for someone so new to the scene? Not many. I feel like I've known Chad for years, because we vibe on so many different levels. He has this ability to sense your true nature, and if you are fake or phony, he can smell it from a mile away. If you haven't been blessed by his nature, you are missing out.
Shuangmu - Shuang is my brother from across the pond. We originally got in touch after I saw a few of amazing cap collection on mechmarket. I had posted some pictures of my different animals in kb-artisans, and as a surprise to me, he had seen them, which sparked our friendship. He gave me opportunities to acquire caps that most people don't have any way to achieve until they have made a name for themselves, or having to shell out buku amounts of cash. This means a lot to me as a newer collector of only about 6 months, as sometimes finding rare caps to collect is very difficult. He is giving, and a great influential person to this community.
All 3 of these chaps I consider to be great friends, and any one of them I would nominate as a bro bro.
--- Quote from: Bbqqin on Sun, 18 August 2019, 18:42:18 ---Dalsu - As a new member to the community, it is sometimes difficult to break into the scene with such a small, tight knit community. For the most part, people don't take kindly to new comers in this hobby. If you disagree you are kidding yourself. No one likes the FNG until he/she somehow "proves themselves". Dalsu was one of the few people to help me understand the value of keycaps when I was in the dark, how people like to trade, and introduced me to many of the other great friends I have met in the hobby. He not only has lead me to the promised land, but also been a great friend. His guidance has been something that most others would not have even bothered. If you don't like him, you're probably a beta. Sometimes you just need to hear it like it is; Dalsu has no filter, and I respect people like that.
Badchad - Chaddington was the second person to take me under their wing. He is one of the most humble people I have come across ion any hobby. With just knowing me only for a few weeks, he was willing to make me a mini commission of one of his amazing Daffy v2 sculpts in a monochrome colorway, and a matching blank to boot. This is a testament to his giving nature, as well as his non-elitist mentality. Who would agree to make a key cap for someone so new to the scene? Not many. I feel like I've known Chad for years, because we vibe on so many different levels. He has this ability to sense your true nature, and if you are fake or phony, he can smell it from a mile away. If you haven't been blessed by his nature, you are missing out.
Shuangmu - Shuang is my brother from across the pond. We originally got in touch after I saw a few of amazing cap collection on mechmarket. I had posted some pictures of my different animals in kb-artisans, and as a surprise to me, he had seen them, which sparked our friendship. He gave me opportunities to acquire caps that most people don't have any way to achieve until they have made a name for themselves, or having to shell out buku amounts of cash. This means a lot to me as a newer collector of only about 6 months, as sometimes finding rare caps to collect is very difficult. He is giving, and a great influential person to this community.
All 3 of these chaps I consider to be great friends, and any one of them I would nominate as a bro bro.
--- End quote ---
Love you brother you're the man, great seeing you back!! :kiss:
Officially closing the giveaway
I appreciate everyone’s involvement in this giveaway. It’s meant to bring attention to the people that make this community great. Although since my last nominate-a-bro, the geekhack community has split off into multiple communities/platforms/etc, geekhack is still where it all began for most, so it was only fitting that it be hosted here. This will be the last nominate-a-bro that I will be doing, as some of you know, I will be setting a new course for myself, and saying goodbye to ‘BroCaps’.
I have quite a long list of people I wanted to mention, not for a nomination, but just because I appreciate the impact they have had in my life. By my nature, I am a very closed, private and introverted personality. So making and keeping friends has always been a challenge for me. I hope that anyone that I have been at odds with, will accept my apologies. Even when we have the best intentions, they don’t always work out for the best.
Below are the names of people I have known, appreciated, or became good friends with. I hope through this contest, you might get to know more people in this community, and appreciate them.
BunnyLake - You have been my support through many good times and bad, and have never judged me, or treated me unfairly. I consider you one of my best friends, and am thankful to have met you
VesperSaint - You have always been a straight up good and honest dude. I appreciate all the long late night talks and gaming sessions
Beehatch - You always were cool with me, no matter the situation, we could always talk about anything with each other
Jokrik - Although you left the hobby, I still enjoy your food posts. You were always a solid, honest friend
Booper - Your passion and creativity were always inspiring. I miss our long talks, too :)
Eat_the_food - Mamcus, you’re always a bro in my book. Always fair, honest and kind.
HipsterPunks - We didn’t start out as friends, but we definitely ended up there. For the Horde!
Sifo - Tru-Bro
NAV - fku. Also, ILY - thanks for all the solid talks and friendly ear
Hoffmanmeister - A straight up kind and honest dude, always
Naasfu - good dude, and shoe game on-point
Shinz0 - we were never really super tight, but any time we chatted, I always felt good about it
Klarkuo - :klarpls:
Trizkut - sorry things went down that way. Hope you’re doing well
ApocalypseMeow - NE division dark zone avail?
Scubaste - Always enjoyed our chats. Hope you’re doing well, my friend
Iamtootallforthis - just a good and honest guy, a rare gem these days
Kenmai9 - kennypls, hope you’re doing well
Chaosstep - thank you for everything, my friend. Hope you and the fam are doing well
Fendent - A down to earth and solid dude. Thanks so much for being a friend
Kustom3 - the best kind of troll there is, and a good dude
Ygor - a dedicated gamer and solid dude
Ejewell89 - What can I say, we were p tight once. Even made a sculpt after this guy :erikpls: - hope you’re doing well
Otesanek - kind soul and great artist :otespls:
Dgneo :woi:
iArson - salpls, hope you’re doing good
Yuppie - You have always been a down to earth and decent human. Glad we met
Nickheller - I will always remember the good old days. Hope you’re doing well :nickpls:
Rmendis - Richard is a wholesome and kind soul, and a good friend to have
Vikingrobot - a Tru-Bro
Ghostjuggernaut - I will always remember the GTA days
Byker - same, all the memories surround GTA ;)
Tally810 - hope you and the fam are doing fine
Jayveur and Jaimcat - thankful we met. You are just the most solid and real dudes I have met
Uleet - Happy to have met you, my dude. You’re just a super real bro
Shuangmu - what can I say, that anyone who already knows him, doesn’t know already? An honest, kind and caring person
Hitlu - :hitlupls:
Rbb - I have been to china many times, and somehow we were never able to meet up, but you never hesitated to offer me your hospitality. A genuinely nice dude
Fracno - The kind of dude that is just easy to be friends with. Always cares about your feelings and always lends an ear
N3rdly - I understand, man. Sorry. Hope you’re doing well
Mousy - a genuine and cool dude - grayscale collection on-point
CorgiButts - you couldn’t ask for a better friend than this lad
Badchad - Do not yawn into the mic <3
Dugihk - Always kind and thoughtful
Molecularronin - ne hellfire toad avail
Dalsu - the realest G
Jackedhardwarejunkie - this dude has mega passion for this hobby, and is just a straight up cool lad
Lovechan - even though you say your English is bad, we never have an issue chatting it up
All my haters - Without you, I wouldn’t have a gauge on how to better myself. I appreciate you for that
I know I am forgetting some important people on here, so please forgive me, but it’s been a long day, but even if you aren’t on this list, I appreciate you just the same
Thanks again everyone, for participating and making this community what it is
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