Previous Events Archive > KEYCON 2015

The KBParadise V80MTS will be making an appearance at KeyCon 2015. [ UPDATE ]

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Guys and gals at KeyCon: Please post your thoughts about the V80MTS here if you can.  If there is something you don't like or wish it had / or even things you love that you don't want to see changed, etc.. It's a pretty basic keyboard so the only thing I know people might want are doubleshot/dyesub keycaps.

Hey everyone, if you remember trying this board out at Keycon (The Alphas had those really tactile and fun Matias Quiet switches) please leave a comment on your thoughts here. If we push KBParadise hard enough, we could get a modern TKL Alps mount board :).

I liked it.  I'm more of a Quiet switches kinda guy, because it's hard to find any clicky switch that compares to buckling spring or beam spring.  Definitely beats the snot out of any Cherry tactile switch.

As for the quality of the board, all I can say is good enough.

As a relative beginner in this...field? I would have never even tried an Alps/Matias switch if it were not for you (CPT)...but man am I glad I did, and I sure as hell hope it gains traction...

The linear ones were a bit to light, but man...those Matias Quiet Clicks...they're exactly what I want out of a tactile switch...from the weight to the amount of feedback. Just awesome...

I loved the quiet linears on this board.  I need this board in a full format for work now.


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