Previous Events Archive > KEYCON 2015

Captain BadAss' Keycon Midwest 2015 Thread

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--- Quote from: CPTBadAss on Fri, 22 May 2015, 12:03:16 ---Well Universal Studios is opening up Nintendo World so I was hyped. And they've already got Harry Potter world. I also heard Orlando is a convention town so a meeting space might work. So...the half joke half serious thing is that we're doing Keycon 2016 in Orlando. Ollivander's here I come.

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OH MANNNNNNNNN. Why couldn't have that been this year?!?!?!?! Hahahaha... I really hope I'm around if that happens... Otherwise it might have to be Keycon 2016 Korea... :)) But that's a maybe too...

Ok **** Florida. Dreams have finally come true. Keycon Int'l Edition: Seoul 2016


--- Quote from: CPTBadAss on Fri, 22 May 2015, 12:05:53 ---Ok **** Florida. Dreams have finally come true. Keycon Int'l Edition: Seoul 2016

--- End quote ---

:)) :)) :))


--- Quote from: CPTBadAss on Fri, 22 May 2015, 12:05:53 ---Ok **** Florida. Dreams have finally come true. Keycon Int'l Edition: Seoul 2016

--- End quote ---

I can get behind this.

Mile High Club Hoff?


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