geekhack Marketplace > The Athenaeum

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I'll be the first to admit that I've sold caps, but never more than I've personally paid. Saying this, I've never entered a sale to solely gain profit later or talked trash on the people, like CtrlAlt, Bro, Binge, etc., that break their backs to get these amazing pieces of art into our hands. I'm sorry that you have to experience such things, Bro.


--- Quote from: Bro Caps on Wed, 24 February 2016, 11:38:37 ---We are not a faceless corporation.

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I see a few of these guys. One even had a moan that bros prices were higher than clacks retail prices of $20. The didn't have a clue,  was just being toxic,  as he was when I tried to promote my GMK DB thread on reddit.....  Oh well.  What goes around comes around.

Joking about selling an artisan for profit before it even arrives is like joking you have a bomb at the airport. You deserve whatever happens next.
Especially with BroCaps.

Still, it is a shame you even have to put effort into filtering these people out.

P.s. what is slack?


--- Quote from: HoffmanMyster on Wed, 24 February 2016, 12:44:06 ---
--- Quote from: Bro Caps on Wed, 24 February 2016, 11:38:37 ---We are not a faceless corporation.

--- End quote ---

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