geekhack Marketplace > CM Storm
Warranty with replacement top cover
I have 5 CMQFRs. I have replaced the top cover on 3 of them with the replacements available from the CM store.. Unfortunately, my black switched QFR's "I" key has stopped working. =( What are my options, to have my keyboard repaired?
If your looking for an answer from cooler master your better off emailing from their support page on their website.
--- Quote from: olaph on Sun, 12 May 2013, 15:39:08 ---I have 5 CMQFRs. I have replaced the top cover on 3 of them with the replacements available from the CM store.. Unfortunately, my black switched QFR's "I" key has stopped working. =( What are my options, to have my keyboard repaired?
--- End quote ---
If you are looking to repair it yourself, you can likely do it without too much difficulty. Take it apart, and post pictures of the underside of the keyboard (and a closeup of the affected area). It can be something as simple as a cold solder joint.
Do you have a multimeter?
Thank you for the replies. I was hoping to hear from Rajiv or Carter before possibly wasting my time with customer service.. I'll try my luck and report back with my experience.
If I can't have it repaired under warranty, I'll try to fix it myself. I do have a multimeter.
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