geekhack Marketplace > CM Storm

Account activation

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I am unsure if this would be the best place to place this question but I'm out of ideas. I tried creating an account on the and it's been about a month and my account has yet to be activated. I have tried contacting CM via the support ticket system and have not heard back from that either.  Does anyone here have the ability to enable my account?


--- Quote from: zippox on Wed, 15 May 2013, 15:26:16 ---I am unsure if this would be the best place to place this question but I'm out of ideas. I tried creating an account on the and it's been about a month and my account has yet to be activated. I have tried contacting CM via the support ticket system and have not heard back from that either.  Does anyone here have the ability to enable my account?

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No this is not the forum you should ask these kind of problems on. This is completely off topic.

Did they send you an email though? You need to active your account from there. Atleast that is the case with a lot of forums.

The only email I received was one that contained this information:

Your account is currently inactive, the administrator of the board will
need to activate it before you can log in. You will receive another e-mail
when this has occurred.

And then I did get a message on the 8th that said they received my submission and It will be reviewed by one of our team members within the next business day.

Sure has been one realllly long business day  :eek:

This isn't a CoolMaster run website, they happen to have an area on the site. We cannot help you as a community more than suggest ideas; there are a few CM employee's with accounts here, but (I do NOT speak for them) I don't think this is part of their job in anyway.


--- Quote from: Tym on Thu, 16 May 2013, 11:28:21 ---This isn't a CoolMaster run website, they happen to have an area on the site. We cannot help you as a community more than suggest ideas; there are a few CM employee's with accounts here, but (I do NOT speak for them) I don't think this is part of their job in anyway.

--- End quote ---

I too agree. I had just tried contacting CM via the obvious ways and when those failed I decided to see if there were any CM employees here that would be able to help.


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