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What video games are you currently playing?

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--- Quote from: Sintpinty on Tue, 12 September 2023, 08:27:29 ---People keep downvoting the hell out of me in r/games because i say that it's not as good as you remember playing it and i keep getting proven right. I will never play any skyrim or bethesda open world game . The only one that i like is Spider man and that's mainly because of the web slinging and the spider man fantasy

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That was me with fallout 4, played for a bit and found it so uninteresting, maybe it gets better later on but not invested enough to play again. Never understood why people loved it so much. I will probably check out new vegas eventually and maybe skyrim but 4 really put me off playing Bethesda open world games.


--- Quote from: Rhienfo on Tue, 12 September 2023, 17:02:51 ---
--- Quote from: Sintpinty on Tue, 12 September 2023, 08:27:29 ---People keep downvoting the hell out of me in r/games because i say that it's not as good as you remember playing it and i keep getting proven right. I will never play any skyrim or bethesda open world game . The only one that i like is Spider man and that's mainly because of the web slinging and the spider man fantasy

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That was me with fallout 4, played for a bit and found it so uninteresting, maybe it gets better later on but not invested enough to play again. Never understood why people loved it so much. I will probably check out new vegas eventually and maybe skyrim but 4 really put me off playing Bethesda open world games.

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I've played Fallout 3, NV, 4 and 76, after multiple play throughs I've noticed it's hit or miss, not per game, but even play through.
You can have a great experience one time through and next time just get super bogged down and get nowhere and just become disinterested all because of how you start. On 3, which I hated, I had no idea what I was doing and stumbled into some of the most difficult areas on the map and kept dying (I've never played it again), on a second run through New Vegas, thinking I had it figured out I spent a long time grinding levels right from the start, got bored and made a beeline to Vegas only to die and get bored again. You can over think them, you can take a wrong turn or just get so tied up in all the side quests you forget to make progress on the main story, 76 is especially bad for this.

It's great these games are so open and not run on rails but at the same time it leaves a lot of room for you to fall off the rails or stuck deciding what to do.


--- Quote from: Leslieann on Wed, 13 September 2023, 05:51:12 ---
--- Quote from: Rhienfo on Tue, 12 September 2023, 17:02:51 ---
--- Quote from: Sintpinty on Tue, 12 September 2023, 08:27:29 ---People keep downvoting the hell out of me in r/games because i say that it's not as good as you remember playing it and i keep getting proven right. I will never play any skyrim or bethesda open world game . The only one that i like is Spider man and that's mainly because of the web slinging and the spider man fantasy

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That was me with fallout 4, played for a bit and found it so uninteresting, maybe it gets better later on but not invested enough to play again. Never understood why people loved it so much. I will probably check out new vegas eventually and maybe skyrim but 4 really put me off playing Bethesda open world games.

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I've played Fallout 3, NV, 4 and 76, after multiple play throughs I've noticed it's hit or miss, not per game, but even play through.
You can have a great experience one time through and next time just get super bogged down and get nowhere and just become disinterested all because of how you start. On 3, which I hated, I had no idea what I was doing and stumbled into some of the most difficult areas on the map and kept dying (I've never played it again), on a second run through New Vegas, thinking I had it figured out I spent a long time grinding levels right from the start, got bored and made a beeline to Vegas only to die and get bored again. You can over think them, you can take a wrong turn or just get so tied up in all the side quests you forget to make progress on the main story, 76 is especially bad for this.

It's great these games are so open and not run on rails but at the same time it leaves a lot of room for you to fall off the rails or stuck deciding what to do.

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Isn't the entire point that you can do whatever? It's more of an open ended rpg


--- Quote from: mohawk1367 on Wed, 13 September 2023, 07:12:33 ---
--- Quote from: Leslieann on Wed, 13 September 2023, 05:51:12 ---
--- Quote from: Rhienfo on Tue, 12 September 2023, 17:02:51 ---
--- Quote from: Sintpinty on Tue, 12 September 2023, 08:27:29 ---People keep downvoting the hell out of me in r/games because i say that it's not as good as you remember playing it and i keep getting proven right. I will never play any skyrim or bethesda open world game . The only one that i like is Spider man and that's mainly because of the web slinging and the spider man fantasy

--- End quote ---

That was me with fallout 4, played for a bit and found it so uninteresting, maybe it gets better later on but not invested enough to play again. Never understood why people loved it so much. I will probably check out new vegas eventually and maybe skyrim but 4 really put me off playing Bethesda open world games.

--- End quote ---

I've played Fallout 3, NV, 4 and 76, after multiple play throughs I've noticed it's hit or miss, not per game, but even play through.
You can have a great experience one time through and next time just get super bogged down and get nowhere and just become disinterested all because of how you start. On 3, which I hated, I had no idea what I was doing and stumbled into some of the most difficult areas on the map and kept dying (I've never played it again), on a second run through New Vegas, thinking I had it figured out I spent a long time grinding levels right from the start, got bored and made a beeline to Vegas only to die and get bored again. You can over think them, you can take a wrong turn or just get so tied up in all the side quests you forget to make progress on the main story, 76 is especially bad for this.

It's great these games are so open and not run on rails but at the same time it leaves a lot of room for you to fall off the rails or stuck deciding what to do.

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Isn't the entire point that you can do whatever? It's more of an open ended rpg

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It is, my point is that it's also open for you completely screw up the story and have it fall flat.

I’ve been pulling up the raft game I got while it was making its rounds on YouTube and I’ve been putting some hours into that, just finished the story yesterday and am working on 100% it now


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