There is a male birth control pill currently in testing. there are, so far, no long term side effects, which is something the female version of the pill couldn't ever say. It'll be out in ten years or so, and by that time I'll need a forklift to get a hard on.
I have never been able to stand children. I never wanted children. The only reason I tell people I'm happy about this pregnancy is so I don't come off like an *******. Look, I hope having children is this great life-changing experience, but at the same time I don't believe in magic, so really where does that leave me?
Some of my friends have kids, like 3 year olds, and the thing all of them have in common is NO MONEY. They have houses that are crammed with garbage and everything they have that's new was a gift. None of them have any time to do anything they used to like, and that is my future. One of my buddies got a girl pregnant, he was as into computers as I am. The computer he uses today is a P3 freebie that can't run WoW. He quit playing games on the PC, so he games on a DreamCast. I am going to have to quit writing, and the only payoff is that I can get pissed on by a kid who is going to grow up to hate me.
I'm scared, yeah, but the biggest fear I have is that I'm right.