geekhack Community > Meetups

Northern California Mechanical Keyboard Meetup 2017 (Details Available!)

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Hello friends!
The Northern California Mechanical Keyboard Meetup is upon us again! Last year we had a great time demonstrating how to solder, checking out clueboards, and seeing all kinds of different keyboards, switches, keycaps, and friends.
Once again, here are the relevant details:
What: Northern California Mechanical Keyboard Meetup
When: January 21st 2017
Where: WASD Keyboards 4121 Clipper Ct Fremont, CA 94538
When (pt 2): 12PM-5PM
Why: Because we all love this hobby, and each other to some extent
I’m really excited for this Northern California Mechanical Keyboard meetup and I would like to thank WASDkeyboards for once again hosting us as well as sponsoring the event by making all of the Northern California Mechanical Keyboard keycaps which will be available to the attendees at the meetup. This keycap, like the most recent SoCal meetup keycap, will be exclusive to this event, with its creation never happening again (inb4 $200 ‘exclusive’ NorCal meetup keycap).
On another note, we’ll be joined by the Seattle Meetup organizer /u/quakemz [+23] who will be coming all the way from Seattle to see what wonders the Bay Area, and the NorCal meetup holds.
(Once I hopefully get permission) /u/quakemz [+23] and I may actually do a Live Top Clack Episode at the meetup once other details have been decided, so you too could see the magic (last minute desperation) happen before your very eyes.
If you are interested in learning how to solder, please feel free to comment below and a soldering demonstration could be set up for those interested.
If you are interested in sponsoring the event by providing any items to the giveaway, please PM me.
ATTN: If you're planning on attending, please fill out the following form so WASDkeyboards knows how many people expect, thank you very much

There will also be a post-meetup dinner/celebration for those who want to join /u/quakemz [+23] and I for some grub after the meetup
Pics from the last meetup:
I hope to see many of you there. Let's have a great time!
Best wishes,

Jan 21st.

This far out, either.

14th would be better for me :)

nor cal !!


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