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Anyone into comics? (The thread about anyone into comics.)

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I think the last two full series I read through were Vader Down and Death of Wolverine. Both were great!

just a bit tired after long day tonight so can't recall all the names atm but anyhow starting with these tho..

two klaws hardcovers and mm yeah I just don't know if I really want keep these anymore,
star wars: han solo softcover,
beastars from the city library and so far I have seen up to issue 18 - do find it a very interesting story but knowing the price of manga's I don't know if I'll ever want private copies someday or not,
two elsewhere and its kinda interesting kind of theme,
courageous princess from city library and it is interesting but not enough to want to reread

and there probably has been so many thin softcover graphic novels that I have taken out from the library ever since late last year but I very rarely ever try find any particular one to reread again (lot of star wars, a little bit of star trek crossovers, some non-space fantasy, etc)

The spiderverse trailer is my reward for getting through a very hard week


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