geekhack Marketplace > Interest Checks

[IC] Switch Station for lubing/changing springs/stems

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Hey everyone!

I've been doing a lot of mods to my various keyboards lately, and there is a lot of pain staking work that is involved.

Desoldering, opening switches, lubing springs and stems, maybe changing springs and stems, then putting them all back together.

I feel like us modders should have a nice metal station for doing the most intensive and time consuming part of the modifications were making!

I've only changed and lubed the springs and stems for maybe 200 switches, and I know how long it can take.

Why don't we make some of these stations? I know I would love one!

I don't know how much these would cost to be made, nor do I know who to really contact. But I do know that I've really wanted to host a GB ever since becoming a member here, and I think this would be great. Maybe I'm wrong though, and that's why this is in the interest check!

Let me know what you think, if you'd be interested, and if you have any suggestions!

Thanks :)


I use a spare Phantom plate I got. TheProfosist may have his 7bit Phantom plates left that he'd be willing to unload. I mounted it on a few small blocks and put my lube bottle under the middle for support. :)


--- Quote from: SmallFry on Tue, 12 February 2013, 21:14:13 ---I use a spare Phantom plate I got. TheProfosist may have his 7bit Phantom plates left that he'd be willing to unload. I mounted it on a few small blocks and put my lube bottle under the middle for support. :)

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This is alright, but I would like something specifically made for modding, no blocks holding it up :)

I think I remember MMB selling one of these in his huge sale thread one time. It looked awesome.

We'll see if anyone is interested, if not i will probably just make my own :/

Well, a good place to start would be at a Phantom plate file and just go from there. :)


--- Quote from: SmallFry on Tue, 12 February 2013, 21:21:25 ---Well, a good place to start would be at a Phantom plate file and just go from there. :)

--- End quote ---

Would you have a picture you could post here or in PM?


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