Personally, I find WKL bottom rows look like a toothless grin, and that gap just bothers me, despite me trying to smile back at it.
I find myself using shortcuts like Win+E, Win+D, Win+Shift+S, Win+X so frequently, that trying WKL was incredibly frustrating to adjust to. Also Windows+L to lock is also super neat.
I'd rather have the extra button instead of bothering with layers.
I agree that there's minimal value for the Right Ctrl, Alt, and Right mouse click buttons. However I really can't be bothered remapping them to Winkey, especially considering that most of my common shortcuts, I can hit using my left-hand only (whilst keeping my right hand on my mouse the entire time). If pushed I could adapt by changing Caps to CTRL, then switching L ctrl to Win key, but why bother...
When I was younger I used to fat-finger and accidentally press Winkey a lot instead of Ctrl during games, but now I never do, so it's a non-issue. I don't need that gap to "remind me" of where it is...
It's all aesthetic x functional preference anyways. Some prefer extra space to breathe, or break up the design, but I don't like wasted space on my keyboard.
I'm getting old, so I'm semi-reluctant with resetting my muscle memory/habits.