Haimu Heartbeat
PBTfans BOW Keycap Set Doubleshot PBT
Now where I'm lost is what pcb option to choose with the Neo65 that's offered and the plate too.
PCB options: Solder non-flex cut pcb, Tri-mode Non-flex cut hotswap pcb, Wired Non-flex cut hotswap pcb.
I'd like a hotswap 100% but I don't know the differences with those two pcb's.
With a plate there's: Plateless, ALU Plate, FR4 Plate, PC Plate, POM Plate, CF Plate.
I feel like choosing plateless because I want to build the keyboard from scratch with my own choices/liking.
Problem with that is that I don't know how to go about that, know what fits in the keyboard, how much I can put in for noise dampening, sizes, etc.
If you have any tips on how to research that, it'd be so awesome and I'd be very grateful!
For the PCB, it comes down to your need of wirless connectivity or not, if you do need wireless, then go for the tri-mode PCB.
Plateless doesn't work well with hotswap, even Neo themselves recommended against it as the switches may not sit securely in the hotswap PCB. As for the materials, you can check out the product page of the Neo65 where they listed a brief description of each materials (in terms of feel and sound). Check out some youtube videos as well to have a better understanding, but bear in mind that factors such as the recording and your speakers does not translate the sound that you may hear directly onto your keyboard.
The board also comes with a few layers of foams, and it's best that you try it out with different configurations of it to find what you truly like