Speaking from personal experience with KAM 80s having this many kits wont be good. KAT and KAM are a double edge sword.
- First you need to think about the consumer, one thing I learned fast a lot of people don’t understand kitting, so along with most consumers feeling overwhelmed most will also get lost in the weeds.
- Second, at this point you definitely have too many color combinations between the mods and alphas which was an issue that I had as well and your kit numbers will quickly increase.
- third, Vendors wont really wanna run this there was two reasons I reduced the number of kits for KAM 80s first the consumers were flustered and two some of the vendors didn't wanna really take it on. Packaging wise this is a lot to deal with and when you compare to GMK that might have 3-4 varying kits to this that has 50... It makes sense why vendors don’t like sets with a lot of kits. From the conversations I have had with vendors try to hard cap yourself at 25 at a maximum and 15-20 kits is golden.
Finally, I would like to suggest maybe trying to do a Base kit option as well

This kit if I had room to run it would've gone for $66 USD with markup. Its based off the KAT Comet TKL base Kit that also cost around 66 USD. Not suggesting that you dont do the other option of being able to mix it up I am saying included at least one or two base kits for those who maybe don’t understand and need an process of base kit novelties and bounce. There is also room to add alice support and so on.
GLWIC, keep up the effort really hope to see this in stores.
P.s. your renders could use a bit brighter lighting i have my brightness on max and I still struggle to see some of the kits.
P.s. one last big thing to remember if you plan on owning your own set keep in mind you will either have to buy it yourself or your vendors will gift it to you maybe. But with this many kits... just keep that in mind, cause some vendors dont wanna pay people for KAT and KAM until after it delivers and if that trends and you were banking on buying your own kits at manu price with profit that could backfire. To those wondering if that is something designers can do yes it is.