◌ Vendors ◌
* DSA PetriKeys IC Form *
To-Do ListFinish noveltiesImplement kitting changesDeskmatsContact vendorsContact collaboratorsIntl kittingHoming kittingColor matching (in progress, ordered from SP)
Pricing (in progress)
Changelog09.27.21 - Changed kitting images
09.28.21 - Added Vendors
10.02.21 - Added Discord
02.09.22 - General updates, kitting, renders, GB dates announced, novelties, pantone colors
04.03.22 - EU vendor announced, collaborations updated
ContactDiscord - Yoojin#2648
Instagram - yooj.key
Thanks ToLucas - Thank you for all of the beautiful renders + signature and working with me through countless revisions!
Afresh and SpikedSynapse - huge help in development and support of set and super welcoming to the community!
Hakata - for answering all of my small questions and being supportive of the set's progress! thank you for your wealth of knowledge
Swishy, DrHigsby, acitrin, NoPun, konstantin, hali, aad - huge help in looking through all of my kitting revisions and providing great feedback
Crystal, acitrin - thank you both for the color palette/colormatching help!
SignatureAdd this signature to show your support!
[url=https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=114538.0][img width=300 height=120]https://i.gyazo.com/f60f2a914a8635324f13bb2ce38ed1c0.gif[/img][/url]