Author Topic: [GB] ePBT Maras - GB cancelled  (Read 10354 times)

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Offline JSaintS

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[GB] ePBT Maras - GB cancelled
« on: Wed, 17 November 2021, 02:24:18 »
Welcome to the GB page for

GB Dates: November 17th to December 21st, 2021

Estimated Fulfillment - Q2/Q3 2022

KBDFans will not be offering the metal artisans, so you can purchase them from your prefered vendor, they all ship Worldwide.
Make sure to only have the metal artisans in your cart on check out for cheapest shipping.

I've always been fascinated by Peru, it's landscape and its mysteries.

After taking you to the desert with Oasis and into space with my own spin of Hyperfuse, I am taking you with my fiancée and I to Peru.

Fasten your seatbelt,  we are leaving soon!

Let's get right into it, shall we?

The deskmat is really simple and represents the Nazca lines visible in the country, some are also present in the novelty kit, others are just for the deskmat.
One of those has been made especially for the set, as an homage to the original Nazca lines, as it actually does not exist.

The very talented Leonardo made this to match the keyset. I wanted something simple, minimalistic but something that complemented the set perfectly. He nailed it 200%!

I am happy to say I am doing a collab with Asero Foundry and we will offer both a return and an escape key in the same color as the modifiers:

KBDFans will not be offering the metal artisans, so you can purchase them from your prefered vendor, they all ship Worldwide.
Make sure to only have the metal artisans in your cart on check out for cheapest shipping.

❧ EU: MyKeyboard
❧ UK: Proto[Typist]
❧ NA: Mekibo
❧ CA: Deskhero | Deskmat
❧ Asia: KBDFans
❧ OCE: Switchkeys

For those that are interested, here are the colors I picked for the set. Samples have been asked and I'll make sure to get the before the GB.
As the name indicates, the main inspiration for the set comes from the Maras salt ponds which I've always been fascinated by; the accent kits are inspired by the reflects in those salt ponds. I hope you'll like them!

Want to get in touch with me?

Want to support the set? You can add this to your signature:

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« Last Edit: Tue, 07 December 2021, 04:26:04 by JSaintS »

Offline HoffmanMyster

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Re: [GB] ePBT Maras
« Reply #1 on: Wed, 17 November 2021, 09:24:56 »
Approved :thumb:

Offline JSaintS

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    • JSaintS
Re: [GB] ePBT Maras
« Reply #2 on: Wed, 17 November 2021, 10:41:46 »
UK folks rejoice, the GB is now live on Proto[Typist]
>>Join here!<<
« Last Edit: Wed, 17 November 2021, 13:36:23 by JSaintS »

Offline JSaintS

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Re: [GB] ePBT Maras
« Reply #3 on: Wed, 17 November 2021, 13:35:08 »
NA folks rejoice, the GB is now live on Mekibo
>>Join here!<<

Offline JSaintS

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Re: [GB] ePBT Maras
« Reply #4 on: Wed, 17 November 2021, 13:44:58 »
CA folks rejoice, the GB is now live on Desk[H]ero
>>Join here!<<
>>Get your deskmats here<<

Offline JSaintS

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Re: [GB] ePBT Maras
« Reply #5 on: Wed, 17 November 2021, 14:44:12 »
EU folks rejoice, the GB is now live on MyKeyboard
>>Join here!<<

Offline hali

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Re: [GB] ePBT Maras
« Reply #6 on: Wed, 17 November 2021, 15:06:17 »
base kit is missing a 4 key with euro sublegend for uk layouts

Offline JSaintS

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[GB] ePBT Maras - Mouse by Leonardo
« Reply #7 on: Sat, 04 December 2021, 05:15:39 »
A bunch of you might have already seen it on IG but here is the mouse Leonardo did for me to match ePBT Maras:

you can PM him on IG if you would like the same one - we might be doing a form a little later, but you can already ping him for it :)

As far as the keyset is concerned, news are not the best as numbers are really lower than expected. That said, I still believe we can make it. To all of you guys that already purchased the set: thank you! To all the others: what are you waiting for?!  :cool:

Take care everyone!

Offline JSaintS

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[GB] ePBT Maras - GB cancelled
« Reply #8 on: Tue, 07 December 2021, 04:25:51 »
Hello everyone,

I am sad to report that the GB for ePBT Maras is now cancelled. Orders were really low with one vendor selling no kit at all. I am grateful for all those who ordered and for the vendors that helped with this. I am 100% determined to make this happen at one point, maybe in Q2/Q3 2022, but now does not look like the time for it.

I’ll reopen the IC Thread and lock this thread, feel free to comment there and let me know what you would like to see or what would make you order the set 😊
Have a good one and take care everybody!