Author Topic: [IC] DCS SMRT Colemak & Vim kit  (Read 3019 times)

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Offline BodyOrgan

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[IC] DCS SMRT Colemak & Vim kit
« on: Tue, 17 December 2024, 12:25:23 »
DCS SMRT Colemak & Vim Kit
December 17th, 2024

This is an interest check for Colemak, and Vim keycaps to go along with the DCS SMRT keycap set being produced by Signature Plastics.

Since a Colevrak/Typist kit wasn't offered, I reached out to SP to see if I could have a Colemak kit made because this is an alternate layout I use. As long as the Colemak kit is produced while the rest of DCS SMRT is in production the cost would be around $70 for a single kit, however, getting just 10 others to purchase the kit would reduce the cost to around $35. Outside of production the cost for a single kit gets prohibitively expensive (eye wateringly so). At the very minimum I plan to have at least one kit made for myself. If you like DCS SMRT, and use Colemak, this is your chance to go in with others for a reduced cost.

I was also greatly saddened the Accents kit which includes Vim keys (HJKL) doesn't actually include the Vim keycap itself. I can't very well use HJKL with the Colemak keys due to the layout being sculpted, but a Vim key could be used. In my case I like to use it in place of Ctrl since I use Ctrl + [ to return to normal mode. I'm still waiting to here back from SP about MOQ vs cost, but if you're interested in the Vim kit, or if you're only interested if it's expanded in some manner please let me know via the IC form.

It probably goes without saying, but DCS SMRT is most likely already in production or about to be, so if interested please fill out the IC form sooner rather than later.

Special Thanks to Piperaceae for providing the renders!

IC Form

Colemak Kit: $35 (MOQ: 10)
Vim Kit: TBD

Colemak Kit

Vim Kit

Offline Piperaceae

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Re: [IC] DCS SMRT Colemak & Vim kit
« Reply #1 on: Tue, 17 December 2024, 13:09:07 »
Good luck! I'd love to see this come to fruition!

Offline HungerMechanic

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Re: [IC] DCS SMRT Colemak & Vim kit
« Reply #2 on: Tue, 17 December 2024, 18:32:22 »
I like the Vim CapsLock key!

Maybe I'll pick one up if it goes ahead - I was planning on obtaining 2 batches of DCS SMRT. The latter for the add-on kits.

Offline dvorcol

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Re: [IC] DCS SMRT Colemak & Vim kit
« Reply #3 on: Wed, 18 December 2024, 20:36:05 »
If you don't want to do a complete Colevrak kit, please consider offering a 17-key Dvorak Addon to use in combination with the Colemak kit.

Offline Piperaceae

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Re: [IC] DCS SMRT Colemak & Vim kit
« Reply #4 on: Wed, 18 December 2024, 21:00:01 »
If BodyOrgan wants to combine forces with you and do a full Colevrak kit, I can whip up a new render.

Offline BodyOrgan

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Re: [IC] DCS SMRT Colemak & Vim kit
« Reply #5 on: Thu, 19 December 2024, 09:58:18 »
If you don't want to do a complete Colevrak kit, please consider offering a 17-key Dvorak Addon to use in combination with the Colemak kit.

Show Image

I don't mind making it a full Colevrak kit. A single kit would be about $145; at 10 MOQ it would bring it down to around $70 per person. This is assuming they are already doing the first shot of all the Dvorak keys which I think they are.

I adjusted the IC to ask if people would be more interested in the full Colevrak kit at the higher price. We need to hit MOQ though, so call all your friends.

If BodyOrgan wants to combine forces with you and do a full Colevrak kit, I can whip up a new render.
The real chad ;)
« Last Edit: Thu, 19 December 2024, 12:42:57 by BodyOrgan »

Offline dvorcol

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Re: [IC] DCS SMRT Colemak & Vim kit
« Reply #6 on: Thu, 19 December 2024, 19:56:53 »
If you don't want to do a complete Colevrak kit, please consider offering a 17-key Dvorak Addon to use in combination with the Colemak kit.

Show Image

I don't mind making it a full Colevrak kit. A single kit would be about $145; at 10 MOQ it would bring it down to around $70 per person. This is assuming they are already doing the first shot of all the Dvorak keys which I think they are.

I adjusted the IC to ask if people would be more interested in the full Colevrak kit at the higher price. We need to hit MOQ though, so call all your friends.

If BodyOrgan wants to combine forces with you and do a full Colevrak kit, I can whip up a new render.
The real chad ;)

If you want to include support for Alice-like keyboards, the extra R4 B in DCS SMRT's base kit covers standard Colemak. But Colemak DH would need a V and Dvorak would need an X.

Also, the homing keys in SMRT's base kit are nubbed while those in the Colemak and Colevrak renders are barred. I'm not sure if nubbed is part of the history or just designer preference, but wanted to mention the difference.

Offline Piperaceae

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Re: [IC] DCS SMRT Colemak & Vim kit
« Reply #7 on: Thu, 19 December 2024, 20:28:00 »
I barred them in the render because that's what BO mentioned originally, but I can nub them to match if that's what y'all prefer. Just let me know and I can redo it.

Offline BodyOrgan

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Re: [IC] DCS SMRT Colemak & Vim kit
« Reply #8 on: Sat, 21 December 2024, 18:07:16 »
I barred them in the render because that's what BO mentioned originally, but I can nub them to match if that's what y'all prefer. Just let me know and I can redo it.
Thanks for your work on this, but interest hasn't even reached the low MOQ of 10, so I'd hold off on further work unless that changes. I'm sure MOQ could be met given enough time, but unfortunately time isn't on our side. I have to get the order in before production of the first shots are done, so I'll likely being going it alone. At least I learned some things, such as Alice support. In my case I'd need a second Z because I use Colemak-DH with the angle mod.

Offline dvorcol

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Re: [IC] DCS SMRT Colemak & Vim kit
« Reply #9 on: Sun, 22 December 2024, 17:43:31 »
The Colevrak kit might reach MOQ of 10 if about 400 base kits are sold. This prediction is based on the total Colevrak take rate of 2.5% of compatible alphas in 11 KAT GBs that ran between September 2020 and July 2021.

Of course, for those GBs the Colevrak kits were was available from the vendors, so visibility was very good. Would Signature Plastics and the other four vendors would be willing to add the Colevrak kit to their purchase options?

Offline stoffelduss

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Re: [IC] DCS SMRT Colemak & Vim kit
« Reply #10 on: Tue, 24 December 2024, 12:51:35 »
how much does is cost to get a kit made alone?

Offline BodyOrgan

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Re: [IC] DCS SMRT Colemak & Vim kit
« Reply #11 on: Tue, 24 December 2024, 17:37:32 »
The Colevrak kit might reach MOQ of 10 if about 400 base kits are sold. This prediction is based on the total Colevrak take rate of 2.5% of compatible alphas in 11 KAT GBs that ran between September 2020 and July 2021.

Of course, for those GBs the Colevrak kits were was available from the vendors, so visibility was very good. Would Signature Plastics and the other four vendors would be willing to add the Colevrak kit to their purchase options?
Possibly if it were early in the game, but I doubt it this late. At this point sales are about to become extras.

how much does is cost to get a kit made alone?
I mentioned this with the initial post. For the Colemak kit, about $70 for a single kit while the other alphas are in production. If made outside of that window, then a single Colemak kit would be around $385.