geekhack Marketplace > Interest Checks
[IC] Options for existing THICK PBT cherry profile keycaps by lysol
Hello all. Lysol has said that he is willing to add more options to the existing groupbuy for THICK PBT Cherry Profile Keycaps. These are very nice quality keys at an amazing price but what is killing the deal is the current MOQ. The existing thread is at in case you would like to look at the current options (and the new updated pictures!)
Currently dyesub 104 key ANSI sets are $75 USD. If you are interested in the keys but not interested in the current options or would buy a second set if there was another option available please leave it for us to know! I've made a form for you guys to fill out and thanks!
Current interest excluding specifics about grey modifiers:
Unknown - US set black,red. Would buy with grey only. (*assuming modifiers and not full set*)
Dianoda - Orange/blue mix posted in thread in US layout
Rail - US red/black . Japanese or Chinese language choice.
Hyde - US Red
AHN SANG SIN - US Red, Black, Green. Korean language choice.
Singaporean123 - US Red, Black, Green.
pasph - US Green, purple.
biochem - US Black
Acetrack - none (currently available!)
SurgeonKyle - US Red, Black, Green.
leesofi - US Green
Red - 7
Black - 5
Green - 5
Purple - 1
Orange/blue mix - 1
Other language options:
Japanese - 1
Chinese - 1
Korean - 1
I am purposefully leaving out interest in grey sets because currently they are only available as full sets. This means if you want grey modifiers you will have to buy a full grey set to compliment your beige set. To get them at a great price like the beige that might require another groupbuy.
As of Nov 16th 2012 the first round of this group buy is done.
--- Quote from: lysol on Tue, 13 November 2012, 10:53:56 ---Yes the buy is moving into production phase in few days, so no more option will be added. This thread can be kept for interest check for second round, to be done sometime next year. Or if someone else want to run another buy, you can feel free to step up and do it before me.
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What is it the last field for?
--- Quote from: pasph on Wed, 31 October 2012, 18:11:40 ---What is it the last field for?
--- End quote ---
Its for me being terrible at making forms. Thank you.
Next you will notice you didn't add a part to put GH username in ;)
--- Quote from: MissMurd3r84 on Wed, 31 October 2012, 21:08:42 ---Next you will notice you didn't add a part to put GH username in ;)
--- End quote ---
This is why they only let seasoned GB organizers do this stuff =(. I apologize guys. Just trying to help people out. Will fix.
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