Author Topic: Aikon Firmware and Software Information  (Read 19242 times)

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Offline litster

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Aikon Firmware and Software Information
« on: Tue, 18 December 2012, 14:42:20 »
After posting the "The Cheat" firmware and software infomation, I think we should have addtional information on Aikon firmware and software.  Aikon is used by OTD custom keyboards.  It is also required to download layout mapping onto "The Cheat". 

OTD English Instruction on how to install and use Aikon Client and filter driver:
(May require OTD account)
Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 1:
[English] Aikon Quick Start Guide (ENG)     
 글쓴이 : inornate  조회 : 17,923   
(CAUTION : for 64bit OS, client is NOT WORKING. Please use 32bit OS for running client. Anyway, as a keyboard, you can use Aikon on 64bit OS with no problem)

Preparation : Aikon controller with bootloader. (will be explained on hardware building guide)

1. Required files

1. Client
2. Firmware
3. Filter Driver

2. What's Aikon?

 Aikon is an USB keyboard controller. This can totally replace the controllers in vintage keyboards which cannot be used on recent machine(means, you can use them as the working keyboard!), also, keyboard matrix is freely assignable. which allows dealing with any key arrangement.

 - Refer this link if you don't know about keyboard structure and matrix.

  (refer part1 ~ part5)

(Korean page. sorry.)

 - By using Aikon, you can reuse the circuit. This feature reduces a lot of works.

 - What only need to do is, find rows, cols in previous controller, and connect directly Aikon's rows and cols.  Basically Aikon uses 18x8 matrix but this can be reassigned within 26 pins(for example, 17x9 for some apple keyboards) using clinet program.

 - Please refer example board for variuos applications.

3. Firmup
 You need to load firmware to use Aikon.

1. Download most recent firmware (now 1.0.2 beta) in link above.
2. Check those files in zip file.
- Aikon_x.x.x.hex
- bootloadHID.exe
- firmup.bat

3. While connecting FW-JP pin (you can use row1-col1 instead). plug in USB cable.

4. Check LEDs are blinking (means device is now in bootloader mode). From now on, you can remove jumper.
5. Excute firmup.bat. Firmup is successed when you can see those messages below (numbers can vary).

Page size    = 128 (0x80)
Device size  = 32768 (0x8000); 30720 bytes remaining
Uploading 6556 (0x1a00) bytes starting at 0 (0x0)
0x01980 ... 0x01a00

6. Unplug, and plug in again.

4. Mount Aikon on keyboard
 Refer articles on example board.

5. LibUSB-Win32 Installation
You need to install LibUSB for using Aikon client. (not working in 64bit OS)

3. Filter Driver
Download the program from link above. Generally version works well, but if not, try

After install LibUSB, Every USB devices will be restarted. I recommend to unplug all other USB devices before installing LibUSB.


For Windows Vista (or windows7) user, change the file properties to [XP compatible mode].

Right click -> properties

At compatibility tab, set this to Windows XP(SP2)

Some firewall programs, or antivirus program may recognize [libusb0] filter driver process as a troy or virus. Please set them properly to work fine.
« Last Edit: Tue, 18 December 2012, 15:07:36 by litster »

Offline litster

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Re: Aikon Firmware and Software Information
« Reply #1 on: Tue, 18 December 2012, 14:55:36 »

Part 2:
[English] Aikon Quick Start Guide Part 2(ENG)     
 글쓴이 : inornate  조회 : 19,924
2. Aikon Client

 You can get a client progam at the link below.
1. Client

 After you excute Aikon.exe, you can see...

After press Key Map Read, every buttons will be enabled. You can use every features from now on.

 1. Current Key Matrix
 2. Current Matrix Size. 18*8 is default matrix size, but it's reassignable.
 3, 4. import and export the matrix table.
 5. Read the matrix from the controller
 6. Write the current matrix to the controller.

- Normal Key Assign

Key assign is performed at Key Test tab.

Follow the steps below.

1. Press the key at the keyboard. At this time, Ready... must be appeared.
2. Confirm Matrix row, col section is well catched, click the key you want to assign on screen.
3. Writing OK... will be appear with [Ding] sounds. Now the key is assigned and starts to work.
4. Repeat from 1 with every keys.

- FN, Numlock layer
 Aikon allows 3 layers - Normal, FN, Numlock. (means, you can map 3 different keys on one key!)
 1. Normal
 2. with FN key
 3. With Numlock on. (FN layer is dominant)

 By check or uncheck those section, key values on each layer will be assigned.

 Demonstration : assigning Happy Hacking Keyboard, real time.

For example, you want to use [1] key as [F1] when FN pressed like HHK.

 1. Press [1] on keyboard
 2. Confirm that Normal is checked, and click 1 on screen.
 3. Leave check on Function only, and click F1 on screen.

After this, your screen will be:

Now [1] key will work as [1] at normal, [F1] with FN key.

- Fix the Key Map

 After mapping the every keys, YOU MUST PRESS [Key Map Fix] BUTTON. If not, your key map will be reset to last fixed mapping.

- Option

1. N-key Rollover

 CAUTION : This option must be used with diodes in the circuit.
 This option will not use ghost check algorithm. Refers those links below:

  - Diodes mount mod(Korean),1&stx=inornate,1&stx=inornate

 - for English.

2. ScrollLock LED -> FN LED
 This option will replace ScrollLock LED with FN LED. ScrollLock status will be indicated as follow: 1 blink : ScrollLock ON, 2 blinks : ScrollLock OFF.

3. FN Lock
 With this option, you can lock FN key with pressing FN key three times. To unlock, press FN key once more.

« Last Edit: Tue, 18 December 2012, 15:06:27 by litster »

Offline litster

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Re: Aikon Firmware and Software Information
« Reply #2 on: Tue, 18 December 2012, 14:56:38 »

Offline TheProfosist

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Re: Aikon Firmware and Software Information
« Reply #3 on: Tue, 18 December 2012, 14:58:09 »
looking good hop i have a cheat one say and when i do this will be helpful info

Offline tsangan

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Aikon Firmware and Software Information
« Reply #4 on: Tue, 18 December 2012, 15:31:37 »
This one I know!

Offline wcass

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Re: Aikon Firmware and Software Information
« Reply #5 on: Wed, 19 December 2012, 12:38:39 »
the Aikon does have a great user interface, but the hardware is tough to come by. wish it worked on a Teensy.
what is this "The Cheat" you speak of?
does the Aikon support media keys or key combos (macros)?

Offline litster

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Re: Aikon Firmware and Software Information
« Reply #6 on: Wed, 19 December 2012, 12:58:28 »
I haven't don't any macros on Aikon myself.  I don't usually use macros.  But the Aikon client does have a macro tab.

Here are a few pictures of my "The Cheat":

Here is the information on The Cheat's firmware:

Offline metalliqaz

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Re: Aikon Firmware and Software Information
« Reply #7 on: Wed, 19 December 2012, 13:24:03 »
Thanks for this!

Offline Glissant

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Re: Aikon Firmware and Software Information
« Reply #8 on: Sun, 18 August 2013, 14:05:36 »
I hate to necro threads, but at least this one still has relevant information.
I am setting up my wife's mx-mini, and she was wondering (and now I am too) if there is a way to make it wake her computer from sleep on keypress? Her noppoo choc mini did this, so she is used to using that feature. There was no option for it that I could see in the software, so that's why I come to you guys to see if I might be able to do it some other way.
I have also tried enabling "let this device wake the computer from sleep" or whatever that feature is called.

And with that in mind the keyboard repeats space or enter indefinitely when I wake the computer from sleep in any other way. The space/enter spam stops the second I actuate any switch. Any ideas on why that is happening?

Offline litster

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Re: Aikon Firmware and Software Information
« Reply #9 on: Sun, 18 August 2013, 16:33:08 »
If it is USB, it should wake up the computer regardless.  Not sure if PS/2 would do the same.

Offline tjweir

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Re: Aikon Firmware and Software Information
« Reply #10 on: Sun, 18 August 2013, 18:17:40 »
I have found that to awaken my Mac using my MX-MINI, I need to hold a key down. 
I used Control specifically, but it does awaken my machine. 

I'm using FW 1.0.3, because 1.0.4 does not work with OS X.

I'd love to know if I can use hasu's FW with it, but I've not had enough time to experiment.

Offline Glissant

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Re: Aikon Firmware and Software Information
« Reply #11 on: Sun, 18 August 2013, 18:27:24 »
Obviously the mx-mini I have does not wake the computer from sleep on keypress. It does not work when holding a key down either.
Device manager settings are set to let the device wake the computer.

Is there a place to download the latest firmware? Or any direct links to the firmware we have available? I have at least one more mx-mini incoming, so it would be good to get control of these things as soon as possible.
I don't have an OTD account and didn't try more than once because of the required phone number thing.

Offline tjweir

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Re: Aikon Firmware and Software Information
« Reply #12 on: Mon, 19 August 2013, 09:12:52 »
Obviously the mx-mini I have does not wake the computer from sleep on keypress. It does not work when holding a key down either.
Device manager settings are set to let the device wake the computer.

Is there a place to download the latest firmware? Or any direct links to the firmware we have available? I have at least one more mx-mini incoming, so it would be good to get control of these things as soon as possible.
I don't have an OTD account and didn't try more than once because of the required phone number thing.

FW and other downloads:

Offline acantha

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Re: Aikon Firmware and Software Information
« Reply #13 on: Sun, 13 October 2013, 03:36:47 »
This post is absurdly helpful. it really should be stickied. I had to do a kinda ridiculous amount of digging to find it.
All the Happy Hacking Things