Alright first, love this set.
- 3 key is always appreciated, but I'm not too sure how useful it would be in this set. If you're using a 4 row keyboard you'd be cutting off the numpad sublegends, which doesn't really make much sense for the theming this has going for it. I'm not entirely sure if there's a solution to this and still include 40s support.
- The extra F11, F12, and F13 keys in base are really odd, maybe you could render the purpose for those?
- I personally always feel like alice B in base without the bars is odd. Either have the split bars in base or move the extra B to bars kit.
- There's so many possibilities for some fun child kits. One especially would be a macro kit imo.
I'm not sure that there would be a cost effective solution to 40s, but considering the full potential of this set seems to be on tkl's and larger, I don't necessarily see this as an issue.
I think that the extra black F11, F12, and F13 keys serve two functions; first, to continue the aesthetic of the original laptop which only has up to F10, and second, to be used with the black F1-F10 in the addons for either macros or a full black f-row.
Fully agree with you on alice kitting
Additionally, I think that this set would benefit from a ╎\ winkey like there is on the original gridcase, it would tie in very nicely.
Also consider adding the same boxes from the 1.5u fn key to the 1u fn key