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[IC] DCD Flower Journal - A Botanical Classic

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--- Quote from: on Fri, 25 August 2023, 13:35:47 ---GMK uv printing can slightly stretch and drift during printing and I think it would be

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Also gmk uv printing is far more faded colour wise than the doubleshot colouring so the colours won't match if you are trying to do that (which seems like are) I remember someone showing me gmk hooty in person at the melbourne meetup and the sublegend did not look the accent colourwise.

I agree that regular dye sub (or maybe even a tripleshot manu if they can do that) might be a better alternative. GLWIC


--- Quote from: Rhienfo on Fri, 25 August 2023, 13:54:33 ---I agree that regular dye sub (or maybe even a tripleshot manu if they can do that) might be a better alternative. GLWIC

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Those sublegend designs definitely don't meet doubleshot/tripleshot tolerances, it'd need to be UV print or dye-sub


--- Quote from: dededecline on Fri, 25 August 2023, 13:57:30 ---Those sublegend designs definitely don't meet doubleshot/tripleshot tolerances, it'd need to be UV print or dye-sub

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Yeah I had a feeling that it would be too complicated to work but still put the idea anyway, don't know too much about keycap tolerances and such to know 100% that cause I've never really looked into it. Then dye sub will be the best option personally.

Thanks for telling me/thread :)

Great thematic! I'll be keeping an eye out! GLWIC!


--- Quote from: dededecline on Fri, 25 August 2023, 13:14:14 ---Cool set! I would suggest adding some details about manufacturing though - I imagine this is dyesub? Any idea who the manu will be? Color codes?
Also you have two R2 1.5u pipe keys, you can remove one.

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hello, we have updated the Manu and the colors, and thank you for spot de double pipe key, I hadn't noticed!


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